Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Storm in a coffee cup: Owner to take down 'offensive' coffee shop sign after landlord threatens legal action

A coffee shop has found itself in hot water over its 'offensive' sign. The manager of F***offee has vowed to remove its name from the shop in Bermondsey, south London, tomorrow after being threatened with legal action by the buildings owners.

The legal letter also warned that the sign could be forcibly taken down by controversial coffee shop's landlord.

'We’ve had fun with it, but I do think it may be time to move on,' manager Adrian Jones, reportedly told the Evening Standard. 'Once I start getting legal threats, that’s when the wife starts to get the hump.'

But it has not all been bad news, with the coffee shop experiencing a 20 per cent increase in sales in a week.

Supporters branded the threats 'pathetic' and said the sign makes them smile.



Anonymous said...

The more publicity - the more business!

Bird of Paradise said...

Buisness names yeah like the law firm of CROOKED and CHEAT

Anonymous said...

Society seriously needs to develop a sense of humour. There are far more serious issues to be dealt with by the courts.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why some people want to be deliberately offensive to many others.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why some people want to be deliberately offensive to many others.