Thursday, October 08, 2015

Must not mock Warmism

The BBC has apologised for airing a half-hour radio show earlier this year in which a series of high-profile climate sceptics lined up to disparage the science behind global warming.

What’s the point of the Met Office, aired in August, did not make clear sceptics are a “minority voice, out of step with scientific consensus,” the corporation said in an email to climate scientist Andy Smedley.

“This was an unfortunate lapse for which we apologise and we would like to assure you we remain committed to covering all aspects of the subject in the most accurate and responsible way possible.”

Presented by Daily Mail columnist Quentin Letts, the show featured Peter Lilley MP, Graham Stringer MP, forecaster Piers Corbyn and Andy Silvester from the TaxPayers’ Alliance.

All had previously questioned the veracity of climate science. They took the opportunity to mock the Met Office over its weather forecasting and climate modelling work.

In reply, the show featured a brief clip of Met Office head of communications Helen Chivers, which did not address the show’s critique of recent climate research.

The BBC said it had carried out an internal review and emphasised that the programme emerged from “an unusual combination of circumstances which we have now rectified”.



Anonymous said...

People must not question the religion of the Climate Change faithful.
Climate change is real. It has been going on for millions of years.
It is not likely that human activity is having an effect.
Climate changes very slowly over a very long time and people will adapt as they always have.

Dean said...

Oh heavens! We accidentally allowed both sides of a discussion to be heard! We apologize and will never make that mistake again. We are, after all, a liberal organization and must not violate liberal principles.

Anonymous said...

The hubris of the left that they can significantly change the earth's climate shows how little they know of natural systems. Humankind's effect on climate change is almost statistically insignificant even by the "warmist's" figures.


Anonymous said...

So THIS is the scientific process in today's world. Come up with an idea, get criticised, silence your critics, settled!

Bird of Paradise said...

Must never offend the Global Warmisists high priest Al Gore and his deity of Gaia least they send a tornado or earthquake against you

Stan B said...

Bird of Paradise - Or worse yet, Al Gore will come to your town and announce (if he can get to the venue through the Blizzards and Cold Snaps that follow him) how warming is going to "kill us all!"

Alpha Skua said...

A little duct tape can stop global warming over a mouths of the eco-freaks realy cuts back on the Hot Air

Moonbird said...

Read the book The GORELAX by DR TRUTH its a parody of THE LORAX

Anonymous said...


Flu-Bird said...