Thursday, October 15, 2015

Government-Mandated Speech: Jerry Brown Signs Law Forcing Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortion

Gov. Jerry Brown (D.-Calif.) signed a law on Friday mandating that all licensed pregnancy centers in the state “disseminate to clients” a message promoting public programs with “free or low-cost access” to abortion and contraceptive services.

The new law makes no exception for pro-life and faith-based crisis pregnancy centers.

Critics of the law say that it violates the right to freedom of speech, which is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

AB 775, known in the state legislature as The Reproductive FACT Act, requires all pregnancy centers that are licensed as clinics to post the following notice:

“California has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services (including all FDA-approved methods of contraception), prenatal care, and abortion for eligible women. To determine whether you qualify, contact the county social services office at [insert the telephone number].”

According to the legislation, pregnancy centers that fail to disseminate this message “are liable for a civil penalty of five hundred dollars ($500) for a first offense and one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each subsequent offense.”

However, the legislation was dubbed “the bully bill” by its pro-life opponents who argued that the bill forces pro-life pregnancy centers to violate their conscience rights by participating in an abortion referral.

"Does the government have a right to tell a newspaper what to write, a preacher what to preach, a private school what to teach? Of course not,” said Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) in a statement following the bill’s passage in the State Assembly.

“So why is it okay for the government to force pro-life pregnancy centers against their will to advertise and promote government abortion services?” she asked.



Anonymous said...

California is lost in a Liberal politically correct fog of nonsense and worse.

Bird of Paradise said...

There needs to be a big sink hole open underneieth the State Capital and swallow up Moonbeam and the rest of his vile kind

Alpha Skua said...

Like a bumper sticker said a some years ago CALIFORNIA NEED A BROWN OUT

Anonymous said...

I see this as akin to compelling a business to disclose information about competitors or charities to disclose information about other charities.

Anonymous said...

California has lost the plot when it comes down to individual choice. Since when has abortion providing been a government mandate? This smell of coercion to legitimise Planned Parenthood. Still the white population should be happy that the black community are the biggest visitors to abortion clinics. If only the Latinos would also take advantage to the abortion service then America might get back on track again. But you have to winder why the Dems promote a service that terminates potential voters?

Anonymous said...

If there's a legitimate pro-lifer in the California legislature, they should now counter this with a bill that would force abortion providers to show their clients a current ultrasound image of the baby they're about to kill. Fair and full disclosure, right?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07PM. The ultrasound requirement has been tried before in NC and failed. Someone with any sense in CA (if there is anyone left) should introduce the companion bill requiring abortion clinics post information about pro-life clinics available. THAT would be fair and full disclosure.

Stan B said...

Do Dentists have to make patients aware of alternative treatments available at other Dentist's offices? "We don't do partial plates here, but if you want that option, here's a number you can call...."

Didn't think so.

Of course, in California, if the Government isn't coddling you, they probably just haven't thought of you yet.....

Anonymous said...

If you don't like California, don't live there. Otherwise STFU.

Moonbird said...

Moonbeam has also just about garanteed a campus massacare by banning concealed carry on campus more reason Moonbeam needs to get the boot in the seat of his pants real good and real hard

Anonymous said...


If you don't like California, don't live there. Otherwise STFU.

This may be one of the dumbest comments seen on this blog in awhile. Are you really saying that people outside of the state should allow California officials to break the law with impunity? Are you really saying that since the Supreme Court justices don't live in California they had no right in Wooley v. Maynard to say that "compelled speech is not free speech?" The Justices should have just STFU? Are you trying to say that people give up their rights because of he state in which they live?

Maybe you should keep quiet because you are exposing your ignorance in this forum.

Stan B said...

Anonymous 1:42AM - One of the arguments put forth by the Founders (you know, those old, white slaveholders who came up with the most successful Constitution ever) said very clearly in their supporting arguments (quaintly titles "The Federalist Papers") that one of the safeguards against Tyranny in one of the states arising was that the people of the OTHER states would step in and prevent it from taking root and holding sway.

You know, like the North did when the South wanted to keep their slaves....

We're just trying to keep the California government from making slaves of its citizens. You can thank us later - like maybe when you get your head out of your Berkley...

Anonymous said...

Stan B is for big government? So much for states' rights and smaller government that you people ejaculate. One word comes to mind - hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Great! Now they are going to post signs in planned parenthood clinics about government provided prenatal care through Medicaid, WIC and other programs available to help any who want to choose to have their baby?

Anonymous said...

The USA is clearly too big to function, and like other federalist-type unions is always splitting at the seams - in the past with civil wars and today around the World with separatist movements. The EU too seems (no pun intended) far too big to hold together.

Flu-Bird said...

The Beverly Hillbillies have left california and the drisdales and Miss Hathaway are going with them