Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Australia: Risky kissing message

Students from a Melbourne girls school have started a campaign against an Australian cosmetics company over an ad campaign they say indirectly supports sexual assault against women.

Alexandria Mourelatos, a 19-year-old former student at Fintona Girls' School in Balwyn, and current students started a petition asking Klara Cosmetics to take down a lipstick ad that features the tagline 'Just kiss me don't ask'.

Ms Mourelatos said the company's 'abhorrent' tag lines – which also include 'Be passionate and leave no evidence' – promoted beauty in an irresponsible way.

A spokeswoman for the school said the campaign was being led by the school co-captain Smita who had encouraged all staff and students to sign the petition - which has received more than 13,000 signatures.

Klara Cosmetics marketing director Daniel Jacob said the ad was nine months old and the company did not aim to target teenage girls with its marketing. 'Our target audience ranges from 21 to 45 year old women who are independent, bold and want to make something of themselves.

Mr Jacob said the ad was intended to promote the brand's 'kiss proof' lipstick.



Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the school is not using this farce as a "teaching moment" on blindly jumping on a bandwagon fueled by a very dubious interpretation of intent.


Bird of Paradise said...

This P.C. poppycocks getting out of hand

Alpha Skua said...

Liberals are just socialists in disguise

Anonymous said...

The offended are focusing on the last two words. Apparently they didn't bother to read the first three words. HELLO, earth to nutcases! She asked for a kiss!