Sunday, November 30, 2014

British Abortion Industry Wants Radical Law Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech

According to the BBC, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is calling for a law to move pro-life protestors ten metres or 33 feet away from abortion facilities in the United Kingdom.

The BPAS launched a campaign called “Back Off”, which asks the government to create access zones to prevent women from coming in contact with pro-lifers on the sidewalks. This measure would be similar to the “buffer zone” law abortion proponents passed in Massachusetts in 2007.

However, earlier this year the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the law because the judges believed it was “inconsistent with the First Amendment,” and it “restricts access to ‘public way[s]’ and ‘sidewalk[s],’ places that have traditionally been open for speech activities.”

In the United Kingdom one of the most prominent pro-life groups is Abort67 and they work through education to help women make an informed decision about abortion. The group utilizes images of aborted babies and presents fetal models to depict various stages of a child’s development in the womb. Although some people think images shouldn’t be used in front of clinics, Ruth Rawlins, the group’s leader, believes women have the right to know everything before having an abortion.

She said: “We’re just here to show the truth, firstly, about abortion, and what abortion does to the pre-born child. The images are disgusting, we don’t like looking at these images, but the reason that they are so offensive can only be because the act of abortion is so offensive. So we’re simply showing the public the service that BPAS are providing.”



Anonymous said...

The spokesperson is correct. Abortion is obscene.

Anonymous said...

The BPAS is a private charity whose stated purpose is to assist with termination of unwanted pregnancy and is Britain's largest provider of abortions (the vast majority of which are done on the NHS).
It is hardly surprising that they want potential clients to not be confronted by protesters and pictures of what abortions actually involve.

Bird of Paradise said...

The founder of PLANNED PARENTHOOD was a racsists and a nazi