Friday, August 21, 2009

Mexican Leaders demand freedom of expression

We read:
"Billionaire businessman Carlos Slim joined academics and human rights advocates on Monday in demanding a renewed national commitment to a free press and an end to attacks on journalists. Declaring free speech as a fundamental human right, the group of 21 leaders signed a nine-page Commitment to Freedom of Expression, a detailed proposal for Mexico to provide the public with access to information, transparency in government activities and the right to safely report news.”


Sounds good but I kinda doubt that anything will come of it


Anonymous said...

Of course Carlos, the world's richest man (at least up until a few months ago) has nothing to gain from all this openness? Like texting, or messaging from cell phones, all of which he controls? Hmmm...

Robert said...

At least he happens to be on the right side, even if he only did so accidentally and for other than principled reasons.

Anonymous said...

Bogsidebunny emotes:

Words are cheap....

Especially when you have billions.

I wonder if Mr Carlos Slim would kindly excercize his "free speech" by walking up to one of Mexico's biggest and baddest Drug distributers and telling him to his face he's going to use his billions to bring the drug baron to justice so the Mexican people don't have to slave under the yoke of a drug lord?

Bobby said...

Carlos Slim can't afford to go after the drug cartels, he has billions but he doesn't have an army. A bunch of security guards can't overpowered some of the baddest mofos in Mexico. In fact, everyone knows that many members of the Mexican military are corrupt and work on behalf of the cartels, for Carlos to take a stand against them it would be suicide.