Friday, August 14, 2009

Bush=Hitler fine; Obama=Hitler an outrage

The double standard never stops. As it happens, conservatives have better reality contact than Democrats so the above poster was NOT the work of conservatives. It was the work of the eccentric LaRouche organization. And it was paraded about by DEMOCRATS! See here and here. The lapdog media, of course, attribute the poster to conservatives. Taranto has a riff on the matter.


Anonymous said...

Will people never learn the tricks of the Left? Why is it so difficult for people to see their tricks which are so clear?

Old Trick #1: Always blame others for what you yourself do and say.

Old Trick #2: Always keep your enemies on the defensive by using lies and half-truths. People on the defensive always look guilty.

Old Trick #3: Plant stories and lies in the media and blame your enemies. Works well with #2.

If we had a truly fair news media in this country, (yeah, right!) every time someone from the Left brought up the "Nazi issue", (which BTW, was started by Queen Pelosi) the audience would be shown the dozens of posters portraying Bush as Hitler, which went on for years!

Anonymous said...

You forgot Old Trick #4:

Use the most extreme people and material you can find and present it as representative of the whole right.

That was in fact the gist of this story and your Old Trick #1 should be "Always accuse others of doing the things you plan to do"

Anonymous said...

Hate to tell you, but these so-called rules also apply to conservatives. Like it or not.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Anon 3:03,

Thanks for the example of Old Trick #1.

Phil in Cow Town said...

did you miss the world 'also' there?

That means "As well".

It's well documented that Fox News has taken Obama's speeches, edited it, and then they publicly call him for not saying things that he in fact said 2 seconds later in the speech.

A perfect example is that speech in Europe. Fox berated him for selling out America and not calling Europe on their anti-americanism, when in fact if you watch the WHOLE speech, he calls europe on their anti-americanism in the next sentence.

That would be old tricks 2 and 3. Used by the liberal media, but PERFECTED by Fox.

Anonymous said...

"Old Trick #1: Always blame others for what you yourself do and say.

Old Trick #2: Always keep your enemies on the defensive by using lies and half-truths. People on the defensive always look guilty.

Old Trick #3: Plant stories and lies in the media and blame your enemies. Works well with #2."


These "tricks" were invented a long time ago by the Irish and are still currently in use.