Florida Students Sent Home After Wearing 'Islam Is of the Devil' Shirts

We read:
"A handful of students were sent home from Florida schools this week after showing up in shirts proclaiming that "Islam is of the Devil," part of a fiery church campaign to "expose" Islam as a religion of violence.
Three high schoolers were forced to leave Tuesday for wearing the shirts made by the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla., where school officials say violated the district's dress codes. A middle schooler was also asked to change clothes because of the shirt, which got a 10-year-old fifth grader sent packing on Monday, when the incidents began.
"Students have a right of free speech, and we have allowed students to come to school wearing clothes with messages," school district staff attorney told the Gainesville Sun. "But this message is a divisive message that is likely to offend students. Principals, I feel reasonably, have deemed that a violation of the dress code."
So messages must not be "divisive"? And must not offend? Can't find those bits in the 1st Amendment. And Muslims can call America "The Great Satan", of course
"Islam is of the Devil" is so very very very wrong. Rational people know that the devil does not exist.
Oh, the devil (ie: evil) exists alright. It's just that he/she is in far more places, and in many more forms, than we've ever been told about. Ask yourself this, is there more good in the world, or more evil?
You want to know what real evil is? Those that support war and are against health care. Now that is evil.
I believe the article was more about freedom of speech than about whether or not the devil exists ... and whether or non Anon #3 is a troll.
Which is more divisive? That shirt? Or the muslims accurately following Mohammad's example by separating people's heads from their bodies?
"You want to know what real evil is? Those that support war and are against health care. Now that is evil."
---So when Hitler was destroying Europe, I guess we should have supported peace and let him do his thing, right? What good is health care if you don't have freedom? Go to Cuba, the people there have healthcare yet toilet paper has been so scarce that now they're wiping their asses with copies of the communist newspaper
I'm not making it up
As for health care, I'm not against it, just two weeks ago I called Humana and bought a policy for $120 a month. You see, I don't need Obidiot to get me healthcare, like a good responsible American, I buy my own. You should do the same instead of spending all your money on weed.
You want to know what real evil is? Those that support war and are against health care. Now that is evil.
2:22 AM
Even the soldiers who are fighting do not support war. They do however, understand that sometimes it is necessary and are willing to put their lives on the line even for ignorant people such as yourself. And nobody is against health care. You have a right to buy insurance whenever you feel like it, or pay for it yourself. What we are against is the government taking our money and giving it to you so you can get it "free." Almost everyone agrees that we need healthcare reform. But the bills currently in congress will not reform it, they will dismantle it and remake it. We do not want that.
"What we are against is the government taking our money and giving it to you so you can get it "free.""
So, does that mean you think we should abolish Medicare and Medicaid?
"Booby, what's with your Hitler complex? Are you a white supremacist?"
---No, I am not a white-supremacist, I am a freedom-supremacist, tell that to your fuhrer Obama.
"What we are against is the government taking our money and giving it to you so you can get it "free.""
So, does that mean you think we should abolish Medicare and Medicaid?
Well isn't that typical? Use a mistake of the past to promote a mistake in the making.
Answer the question put forth to you 11:07 instead of detracting away from the question.
To find pure evil in this world, look to the Left, for they are truly the children of the devil.
Anonymous said...
"You want to know what real evil is? Those that support war and are against health care. Now that is evil."
How can we be against health care when we all have it? And yes, we support war when it's necessary, as do all rational people who wish to remain free. Rational, as in non-leftists.
"So, does that mean you think we should abolish Medicare and Medicaid?"
Actually, they're going to go away one way or the other. Either they'll collapse under their own weight*, or we can shut them down in a controlled manner that hurts the fewest number of people. There is no third option.
How intelligent is it to repeat the same mistake again, only for EVERYBODY?
(*These socialized schemes cannot work because they are a form of Ponzi scheme. Even though they're "legal", they suffer the same fatal flaw that prompted laws against them in the first place. Those who get in early make out like bandits. Everyone else gets the shaft. See this article for the clearest explanation I've seen of why socialized health care cannot work.)
You guys crack me up.
"I like people. It’s mankind I can’t stand. I root for chaos." -- George Carlin
Does anyone think that if a Muslim student wore a shirt saying Jesus was the devil, they wouldn't be sent home? These shirts were wore for no other reason than to get attention, and I think the teachers were well within their rights to send the kids home.
Yes David, someone thinks that if a muslim student wore a shirt saying Jesus was the devil, they wouldn't be sent home.
You guys crack me up.
"I like people. It’s mankind I can’t stand. I root for chaos." -- George Carlin
Repeat it often enough and even George Carlin, like President Obama, is a genius.
Once again, no rational argument from the leftists; just name calling. And not even enough originality to type a new comment for each thread.
The issue isn't whether Islam is or is not of the devil, or whether a Muslim student would get away with a shirt that says Jesus is of the devil, or anything about Hitler or Cuba. The issue is whether the school has the right and authority to prevent the student from wearing such a T-shirt.
In Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court declared that a school may suspend a student for speech (in this case, a printed T-shirt) that would "materially and substantially interfere with the requirements of appropriate discipline in the operation of the school."
In the Tinker case, the students wore black armbands to silently and nonverbally protest the Vietnam War. The Supreme Court ruled that their protest was not disruptive, but the Court enunciated the principle that schools did have the authority to prohibit disruptive speech. I am pretty sure that "Islam is of the devil" would readily qualify as potentially disruptive.
You want to know what real evil is? Those that support war and are against health care. Now that is evil.
Then what does that say about those who would levy a form of predatory war against the citizenry for the purpose of committing rape, pillage, and plunder against the hard-working salt-of-the-earth, taking what represents pieces of their very lives that they cannot get back, and transferring the plundered loot to the undeserving, all while pursuing control over everybody's access to health care with a program calculated to deny health care to those who need it most? I'd say that is cold, black-hearted, REAL evil.
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