Monday, September 05, 2016

British TV bosses have been forced to apologise after their soap was accused of racism for a comment a character made about her hair

The episode on Bank Holiday Monday saw Eva Price, played by Catherine Tyldesley, visit Audrey's hair salon, where she remarked: 'I have more roots than Kunta Kinte. 'No idea who that is, by the way, just something my mum used to say.'

Kunta Kinte was a character from the novel Roots: The Saga Of An American Family, which was adapted into a hit TV miniseries.  Based on a real-life ancestor of author Alex Haley, it tells the story of a young man taken from Gambia and sold as a slave.

Ofcom confirmed it received more than 250 comments and will asses them and decide whether to investigate.

Viewers complained about the comment on Twitter and to broadcast regulator Ofcom.  A spokesman for TV watchdog Ofcom said: 'Ofcom has received 278 complaints about Coronation Street, which aired on Monday.

'We will assess these complaints before we decide whether to investigate or not.'



Anonymous said...

The perpetually offended are complaining again.

Bird of Paradise said...

More whining from the habitual whiners always going WHINE,WHINE,WHINE

Anonymous said...

Whining about an inocuous comment about an old book and miniseries that the bulk of their viewers likely have never heard of.

Anonymous said...

Some people need to get a life. Watching crap on tv is not a life. How many of the offended were actually of African descent?

Anonymous said...

"I've passed more wind that Scarlett O'Hara"
"I've helped more blacks than Atticus Finch"
"I've been fishing more times than Captain Ahab"
"I've thrown more parties than Jay Gatsby"
"I've more roots than Kunte Kinte"
I don't get it...
I don't see how any of the comments - including the Kunta Kinte - one is racist.

Gooniebird said...

Anon 7:05 Thats becuase no one listens to Common Sense anymore their too busy being a bunch of Pajama Boys

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