"Racist" fashion outfit
Small minds at work

The annual Victoria’s Secret fashion show.
Yes, the well-known supplier of women’s garments is under fire for an outfit inspired by Native American heritage, with some shouting cries of “racism.”
Model Karlie Kloss was seen in the fashion show last week with a massive headdress that reached the floor, turquoise jewelry, animal print clothing and tasseled heels.
“Use of the symbols, [culture], art, traditional dress of a culture you don’t care enough to learn about is EXPLOITATION,” one Huffington Post commenter vented. Another added: “Not only is our Sacred Wabonnet being paraded by a bone thin model wearing a smile and [leopard] underwear, the Squash [Blossom] necklace she wears is Sacred to the Dine Navajo people… Genocide and assimilation continues. We are looking for a heartfelt public apology from VS.”
It wasn’t long before Victoria’s Secret did just that, not only apologizing but pulling the look from future broadcasting and advertisements.
This is not honoring Native Americans, it's crass commercialism. Would you feel the same way if they used a Jesus like character dragging a cross surrounded by half naked models? To get respect; you have to show respect. By the way, before you get on your high horse, I'm not a liberal, I'm a 20 year Army Vet.
"honoring our the native American"
Don't be so fucking naive. VS is a BUSINESS and will do anything to promote that business, even if it steps on a few toes. They knew exactly what they were doing.
PC and Foolism go hand in hand
Once upon a long time ago, there was a rock group called "The Village People" and one of their members wore the war bonnet. No one objected to their use of it. Of course that was before everyone's skin got so thin and everything offends someone...
No one objected because they were all gay.
I do hereby happily volunteer to help determine if any additional VS apparel crosses any morality lines.
Please send me any full-color brochures, catalogs, and samples, along with several female models to properly display said items for my review.
Thank you.
I'd like to Poca her Hontas!
I think she should sentenced to parading around my house in that outfit for at least five years.
Maybe some will be offended - but VS chose to use the warbonnet in its parade because ITS FREAKIN COOL!
It should be seen as complimentary - even if a little ignorant.
Now a few rounds of KAWLAGA and RUNNING BEAR
Don't you mean 'Running Bare'?
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