Court decides against free speech about guns
This is the advertising poster the city of Phoenix tore down in the middle of the night
The lowest court to hear the free-speech case against Phoenix, for censoring the "Guns Save Lives" Educate-Your-Kids firearm-safety campaign, has decided against the plaintiff in the case, Alan Korwin and TrainMeAZ, LLC. The TrainMeAZ campaign will proceed with an appeal and Phase II
"As expected, the judge ruled against us," Korwin said. "What is shocking is the utterly superficial nature of the ruling—one of the worst any of us have ever seen, especially with the volume of evidence and complexity of the case. We've been at this now for two years—hearings, filings, sworn depositions, responses, evidence gathered and submitted. Although we're displeased, our interest is not diminished."
Throw these imperial judges out of america before Pig Obama has them appointed to a high court seat
"since they're going to do it anyways" reasoning might apply here.
Apparently, most of the American people have decided that the obvious and ongoing attacks on the 2nd Amendment, Christianity, morals, and the family values most of us have been raised with, are no longer important. It is further evidence that America is rotting from within.
Christian values? How many weapons did Jesus and his disciples carry?
Um, anon 3:16 made no connection between the 2A and Christianity other than the fact that both are attacked. Please learn to read, or at least work on your reading comprehension skills.
Leftist limp wristers starting the war on christmas early this year.
4:o7 the mightiest weapon at the time, the sword was carried by some disciples, one even used it against somebody.
Throw the judge to the lions and the city council as well
Yes 2:20 AM and did you bother to read in the Bible what Jesus is reported to have said about the incident? Probably like many so-called Christians, you seem to have no idea where or what this was about - but may I suggest the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus was arrested - Jesus famously said "All who take the sword die by the sword" (one translation, and by "sword" obviously means any weapon of potential murder). Of course so-called Christians down the ages have tried to rationalize that with the practicalities of life, especially living in a violent society like America. But such rationalizations just undermines other religious principles supposedly held.
All turning the other cheek will get you is your head handed to you, sometimes literally. And no I'm not a Christian though I agree with most of their teachings.
Violent response to violence is no sin in my book.
Weakness, ie. tolerance, begets aggression.
The Americans have voted for fascism, so they should just get used to it.
Remember christ was crusified between two theives a Lawyer and a Politician
We took back America in 2008 and will continue to hold on to it. God bless President Obama.
Peace be upon him, for he is the one, the Dear Leader. May all kneel and bow before his wonder. Hail Victory. Hail Obama.
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