Thursday, August 28, 2014

Must not disparage the Taliban (!)

The writer is a member of UKIP, an increasingly influential British conservative party

Over the weekend I came across a spoof picture of a Taliban Online Dating Website with profiles of burka-clad women listed as: Occupation: Not Allowed; Income: Not Allowed; and Hobbies: Not Allowed, I re-tweeted it saying humour can be a most expressive form of critical comment.

To my shock, a torrent of abuse landed in my Twitter feed. Despite the picture being beyond any doubt a pop at the Taliban - and only the Taliban - the UKIP-haters still did their worst. By the end of the day I’d been labelled a ‘truly sickening racist,’ ‘openly racist,’ ‘sexist,’ ‘xenophobic,’ ‘Islamophobic,’ ‘vile,’ and a ‘lout.’ And that’s just the stuff I can publish here.

When I tweeted back, expressing astonishment anyone could think I was bigoted because I slated the Taliban and suggested one particularly vituperative correspondent might struggle to defend his claims in court, I was accused of ‘harassment,’ ‘thuggery’ and being a ‘bully.’ A few then started copying journalists not known for their love of UKIP into their tweets. You really couldn’t make it up.

Presumably these agitators generally consider themselves to be the very epitome of feminist, free speech-loving liberalism. They probably even complain on occasion that there aren’t enough women in politics – oh the irony!

Yet in their bloodlust for seeing someone, anyone, in UKIP humiliated they effectively defended one of the world’s most despicable political organisations, one that wouldn’t hesitate to execute a teacher who taught a girls to read and write, or slaughter a gay man on sight.

But of course, that doesn’t matter; because for the anti-UKIP internet ‘liberals’ who hide behind false profiles and fake photos and scream ‘intolerance’ while hurling abuse and trying to ‘expose’ you to all and sundry, this isn’t about right or wrong, or it’s about perpetuating a political witch-hunt. That and completely muddle-headed thinking.



Anonymous said...

That thing has been around since at least 2002 when I first saw it. It is funny because it is true that the radical and even much of the moderate elements of that religion treat women worse than livestock. Pointing that out with satire should not only be celebrated but embraced as a legitimate means of furthering the conversation on the rights of oppressed women in that religion. Any feminist who supports the treatment of women as many in Islam treat women is really a traitor to the cause of equality and women's rights.

Anonymous said...

UKIP aside, many or most muslims have such a tribal mentality based on their religion that they will see any presumed "attack" on islamic culture (or even any weird version of islamic culture) as an attack on muslims in general, and will at best make lame excuses or else be downright abusive and scarily threatening.

Bird of Paradise said...

Liberals are afraid of the truth

Anonymous said...

I hope ISIS takes out a few lefties and feminists. It might make them start to think more carefully who they support.

Go Away Bird said...

Annon 2:18 like all typical darwinist's wanks your brain has'nt gone much past its pea size

Anonymous said...

I doubt this bird-brain even knows anything accurate about Darwin and his published work, anymore than this feathered fool can spell or construct a sentence in proper English.

Anonymous said...

Aw, come on...
That there's funny... I don't care who y'all are.

I shoot birds said...

It's a damn shame that Jon took birdbrain(s) off of the blocking list. It was so nice without him/her/it here.

Olaf Koenders said...

The only way I could improve the truth of the picture is to include a donkey..