Red white and blue colors are "racist" in insane Britain

We read:
"A pensioner who put up a red, white and blue election poster telling voters to kick out MPs was accused of racism by police.
After being inundated by canvassing politcians, Roy Newman, 74, decided to tell other voters: ‘GET THE LOT OUT.’
But 90 minutes after he put up the homemade sign up in an upstairs room at his house, two police officers arrived and threatened with arrest.
They said the Union Jack-coloured lettering on a white background could be considered 'racist'. He was told there had been a single complaint and he was ordered to remove it or change it otherwise he would end up in court.
And the furious pensioner , chairman of his local history society and a former Samaritan , slammed police for wasting their time. He said : ‘Three years ago vandals put a brick through my window and when I called the police all they offered me was a crime reference number.
‘Put up a poster and a police car with two uniformed officers arrives quick as a flash - it's unbelievable.’
So, Red, White, and Blue are now illegal in this nation of cowards? Obviously they have forgotten the fact that they still exist as a nation because of those colors, and the hundreds-of-thousands of brave Americans who fought for them. (a total waste of valuable lives IMO) As if we needed more evidence that Britain is a dying nation. And the sooner the better!
Here we go again! - when the case involves the US no comment is made about the nation as a whole, but when it's Britain or France or some other non-American entity they are damned out right by these xenophobic american posters.
(Red, White & Blue are the colors of the UK national flag. And, incidentally, the US only exists because of them!)
BTW. American lives have only ever been lost in support of US interests and for no other reason whatsoever!!!
Next, will the police start showing up at paper mills to arrest the employees and owners for making most of the paper white?
PC is the opposite of common sense.
Anon 2:59
Before the US joined the war (WWI and WWII) there were many Americans that signed up in foreign armies to help defend "good" against "evil."
Complete madness. Paper is almost always white. So if you use blue and red lettering, you are "racist"? The police officer concerned needs psychiatric help.
3:42 Am - obviously I was referring to the US government forces not what individuals might do. Americans, Brits and many other volunteers joined the Spanish Civil War, etc., regardless of the policies of their respective governments.
Anon 259, In the US you can't be prosecuted for flying a flag, or displaying a political poster. This news article is one more piece of evidence that the police force in the United Kingdom are more concerned with political crimes than crimes against persons. They act more like the KGB or Gestapo than a service that protects the people from thugs and violent offenders. Personally I think he (the pensioner) should have told them to sod off. You brits need to start standing up for your rights, or you’re doomed to slide deeper and deeper into a fascist thought-police state. I wish you the best of luck.
"And, incidentally, the US only exists because of them!"
This is true, which is why we pay so much attention to the insanity going on there. With so many similarities between the two (actually three, since Australia is also similar), the insanity of the Brits demonstrates two things:
1. It can happen here.
2. The warning signs to watch out for.
It saddens me to read this as the UK was always such a place of common sense and good folks, more and more it sounds like the Orwellian fears are coming to be. The world has to few pockets of sanity and freedom to lose the UK though I fear that we may already have lost them.
Oh and Anon 2:59 while he came across as a tail so did you a bit. We joined y'all in WWII for a brutal fight that was in EVERYONES interest and gladly our side won. The Brits have been a great friend and ally for a long time and I think we have been so in response (despite the lame treatment the current president exhibited)
Obviously someone took the message to be one about immigration - not politicians. Inasmuch as it was political speech it should be protected.
No-one ever minds abuse aimed at pollies, only certain protected classes.
The Americans here should generalize about their own country's down-sides and PC- infection before over-generalizing about other countries based on just media impressions.
And of course there is at least one poster here who is clearly a rabid anglo-phobe - and that or another who seems to have a very superficial understanding about the Revolutionary War in the 1770s!)
1:47 PM - I'm glad I'm not in the USA if your mentality is typical of Americans!
"The Americans here should generalize about their own country's down-sides and PC- infection before over-generalizing about other countries based on just media impressions. "
----Dude, when was the last time someone in America was arrested and convicted for hate speech? For burning a flag? For denying the holocaust? Yes, in the private sector you can get fired for having politically incorrect views, however, this country has a lot more freedom than Europe, in spite of the liberals and progressives who are always pushing for less freedom.
"this country has a lot more freedom than Europe, in spite of the liberals and progressives who are always pushing for less freedom."
…and we want to keep it that way. Which is why we need to pay attention to the warning signs which appear in other countries.
Fuck england, it is as pc and moronic as canada, when the minarets outnumber steeples, they will start wondering why they worried so much about red white and blue paper in an old man's window.
More to the point, there is a huge underclass of poverty still in the US that doesn't benefit from being in the same country as the plutocractic minority that other Americans think is the "American Dream" that they will one day inherit as almost a right of citizenship.
Catrina revealed to the world that the US is basically a 3rd World country, as do the slums and ghettos of any big American city!
Look to your own defects before pointing to others. (Didn't Jesus say someting along those lines?!)
Define what you mean by "The American Dream".
Luke - if you are an American citizen (as I presume you are), it would be more pertinent if you answered your own question!
And while you're at it, try to account for the "sophisticated" remarks from your fellow Americans here such as "Fuck england" and "moronic as canada"! (assuming that or many Americans know the difference between 'England' and 'Britain' or even the 'United Kingdom'!
I asked for your definition of "The American Dream" because your definition appears to be different than mine. You made the claim, you need to back it up.
I cannot "account" for the stupid remarks by Anonymous because:
1) I have no idea who it is, let alone their motivations.
2) No person can be morally responsible for the actions of another person who is not under some sort of chain of command.
That person's motivation could be anywhere from someone who actually believes that crap to someone operating under a false flag. It's impossible to tell.
The best I can do is say I disagree with him/her (and I do), and I can argue against them (and I have as I've had time). That is all. They are the only ones who can answer for their statements. No one else can.
I am well aware that a (weak) debating tactic is to demand the opponent defines every term used. However I think what I said made it quite clear what I thought of the "American Dream".
Americans posting here are quick to criticize "foreigners", but not the often very vulgar xenophobic remarks made by their own compatriots, and it was only until I highlighted a particularly egregious example that you felt obliged to respond and could hardly support it!
"I am well aware that a (weak) debating tactic is to demand the opponent defines every term used. However I think what I said made it quite clear what I thought of the "American Dream"."
No. Asking for clarification is necessary for clear communications when an important part of the statement seems to be unclear or used in a way that seems different than the reader's understanding of the term.
Weak and invalid debating tactics include using vague, broad brush statements which cannot be legitimately answered, begging the question, and false equivocation between two distinctly different positions, ideas or arguments.
I guess you'll always say that to whatever I say. I stand by what I have stated before - take it or leave it - I guess you'll leave it.
Translation: He knows that my definition of "The American Dream" is bogus! Run away! Run away! Run away!
Cool argument - NOT! - And talking in your own words - why don't you run away into the wierd world where you think only you are right.
Why wouldn't I think I'm right?
No sane person believes something he thinks is false. If he thought a belief was false, he would believe something else!
Furthermore, the Law of Non-Contradiction (which, BTW, is Logic 101) means that two contradictory things cannot both be right at the same time and in the same way. That means that if I think I'm right about something, then by necessity I have to think that contradicting ideas are wrong. It would be insane to think otherwise.
It's possible that I may be wrong about some things, but reason demands sound logic and examination of all the available evidence to reach a sound conclusion. Yet, as in this instance, when I ask for evidence, reasoning, or clarification, you actively refuse; and instead, demand that I throw out even basic logic.
If you decide to act rationally and make a sound argument (evidence plus sound logic) you can change my mind. If you continue to make irrational assertions, it ain't gonna happen.
BTW, I think it's fascinating that you're spending so much time on a red herring, when you simply could have clarified what you meant by the "American Dream" and moved the actual debate forward days ago. That suggests to me that you already know your claim cannot stand up to scrutiny.
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