Internet Police: London Signs Warn Against Accessing “Extremist” Material

We read:
"Police signs have begun springing up in internet cafes in London warning users that they could be reported to the police and face criminal charges if they access “extremist”, “offensive” or “inappropriate” material.
The signs, which state that the owners of the premises are actively working with the Metropolitan police, have drawn criticism due to their vagueness and questionable legality.
Equally, by what authority do they co-opt, whether by persuasion, bullying (“You aren’t refusing to cooperate with the police are you Mr Internet Cafe Owner, are you?”) Internet cafes into joining such a self defined and vague scheme?
We have previously reported on filtering and blocking of all kinds of political websites including in public domains in both the UK and the US. This type of catch all censorship creep is part of an ongoing agenda to use legitimate concerns such child pornography to regulate and control the internet as a whole.
I am an extremist. On my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC blog I ridicule practically all the conventional wisdom about diet. I point to the research showing that eating vegetables does you no good and that eating fatty food does you no harm. That would DEFINITELY be "extremist" in Britain. So I'd better be careful if ever I go to Britain again.
It can be legally challenged if a dispute arises.
I remember seeing old films of Berlin in the late 1930's and signs like that posted on walls. I guess the next logical step in Britain would be to have the police start wearing tall black leather boots and arm bands.
Ironically, the Brits are becoming exactly what they claim to have hated. Can dead people laugh? If they can, old Adolf must be peeing his pants!
Only if it said never go on jewish websites.
UK is finally seeing the light, conservatives BIG winners in elections. may be too late though. what a terrible place to live, kids rule the country and are untouchable.
Not so fast Anon. It seems the Brits weren't smart enough to completely rid themselves of their socialist govt, meaning this kind of PC'ized stupidity may continue. Come next Nov, we'll see if the weak and mindless American voters have learned anything about "change".
Make no mistake. This kind of Fascism is heading straight to the US.
Fair election in UK? Maybe not. Socialists will do "anything" to keep power.
"Having no substance of its own, the left is inherently parasitic; like a cancer cell or virus, it survives by posing as a healthy member of the same host it attacks and ultimately destroys. This pattern of "mimic-attack-conquer" has given us liberty-hating "liberals," leftist mainline churches that publicly embrace what their own teachings explicitly prohibit, and educators whose goal is to ensure that all children get left behind."
– Daniel H. Fernald
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