Where Is the Outrage When Black Conservative Tea Party Activists Are Called the N-Word?
We read:
"Black conservatives opposed to government-run health care routinely are called the "n-word" and worse, says Deneen Borelli, full-time Fellow with the Project 21 black leadership network -- by liberals.
To black lawmakers allegedly receiving the same treatment, Borelli said: "Welcome to my world! I've been called worse than the N-word by alleged enlightened liberals for the outrage of expressing my views on topics such as the threat of government overreach on things such as ObamaCare, climate change legislation, the Second Amendment and pro-growth economics."
"It should go without saying that racial slurs are offensive and uncalled for," added Borelli. "But progressives seem far more aggressive in hurling racist comments than Tea Party members. I find that all the time on my e-mail after I appear on television or radio."
Responding to comments made by Representative Charlie Rangel (D-NY) about the racial aspects and alleged racial tone of Tea Party rallies opposed to a government takeover of America's health care system, Borelli said: "In an attempt to inject race into the national debate about government running our nation's health care system, Representative Charlie Rangel made false allegations about the Tea Parties when he said that '[y]ou don't see any black folks in these groups. Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.' Considering he's never invited me -- or any of his conservative colleagues, for that matter -- for insight on reworking one-sixth of our economy, he obviously must not realize I am black. He also failed to see the other black faces I've seen at the many tea party rallies I've attended and spoken at over the past few months."
I wonder what Charlie Rangel, one of the biggest liars and thieves to ever hold public office, would say if i looked at a picture of a welfare center, police line-up, or of a street riot and said, "you don't see any White folks in these groups". You see, Charlie, like some other famous race-pimps, (Al $harptongue, Je$$e Jackass, etc.) knows all too well about the clear double standard in this country. They know their "blackness" allows them to say things that would get White people arrested or sued.
It still amazes me to see the Left using their tired old tricks, one of which is saying or doing something negative, then simply blaming the Republicans or Conservatives for doing it. It's tired and old, but because people are basically stupid, those tricks still work, and work well.
Another of their old but effective tricks is to say anything they like, no matter how false, just to keep their enemies on the defensive. They know that in the minds of the sheeple, defending yourslef, even from an obvious lie, makes you look guilty. When will people catch on.
Anon 2:55 said,
"There are not blacks at tea parties, where they espouse personal responsibility, and independent thought."
First, you're wrong about that. There are many blacks in the Tea Party movement, but the MSM doesn't want you to know that. Here's a bit of advise, don't believe everything you read, only half of what you see, and none of what you hear!
Also, being black IS about race to most blacks. It's one of the tools they use to get "special" treatment, which is why the Demoncrats/Obummer got 97+% of their votes. They know full-well who keeps the free govt. goodies flowing.
"The Black Caucus only inviting democrats is an example of this."
Q: How many Whites are members of the black caucus?
Remember all the nasty things they said about CLARENCE THOMAS all becuase he oppsed AFERMATIVE ACTION and supportrd the U.S. CONSTITUTION? the way of dirty two faced liberals
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