Some unhappy with bikini ad for Perky Cups coffee

We read:
"Officials said a bikini and the First Amendment provide enough coverage for a model advertising a suburban Denver coffee shop called Perky Cups. Aurora City Council member Molly Markert called the picture on the 10-by-20-foot banner "degrading to women," but she says it's legal. Markert said she had city employees measure the banner, and it conforms with city size restrictions.
Robert Rogers, a city attorney, said the content is protected by the First Amendment.
Perky Cups owner Jason Bernal said people have come into the shop to complain, but one stayed to buy a burrito and coffee. He said the sign has been great for business but he's not sure how long he'll leave it because of the complaints.
I think that the people who complained should get a life
Do they complain every time they walk by a Victoria Secret store or notice a shirtless Abercrombie & Fitch employee?
I'm sure they've tried, or at least would love to.
Bobby, Plenus stercoris es.
There is nothing wrong with the ad, but what's the First Amendment got to do with it? The First Amendment deals with freedom of speech ie the reporting of news and the expression of opinions - matters essential to developing an informed electorate. Trying to sell a product by advertising is quite a different matter. Governments should keep out of it as much as possible, but lets not pretend it is in the same category as real democratic rights.
turn your head or don't be a customer. My how people are offended at the most trivial things yet allow cities like New Orleans alone even though their murder rate is 10x the national average - not THAT is offensive (yet liberals do NOT care)
It sounds as if the ad is having a net positive effect.
"Bikinis & Coffee"
I just LOVE this country!
The hypocrisy is in how people apply context. If the ad read,
Perky Cups
Bikinis & Bras
Underwear and Intimate apparel
Service with a smile
I doubt there would be any complaints at all.
Where are the men barristas in thongs is what I want to know!!!
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