Swastika in Australian suburb spurs war of words

We read:
"A Daisy Hill man is refusing to take down a swastika flag on his property despite mounting concern from residents and Logan city officials. The 43-year-old, who describes himself as a “white nationalist’’ and opted not to be named, said he put the flag up as a display of white pride. He rejected any suggestion his decision was a support for Nazism and said he had not received any complaints from neighbours.
But Logan and District RSL president Ken Heard said the flag could generate bad memories for many people in the community and said it should be removed. “I think a lot of people, especially the older generation, would find it very offensive,’’ Mr Heard said.
Logan City councillor Darren Power (Division 10) backed the RSL president but said council had no way to force the flag’s removal. “I think this guy is sending the wrong message out and I think you will find that he’s upsetting the people he’s trying to support,’’ Cr Power said. “It’s got no place in Australia where we are trying to show the world that we’re a place of tolerance. I guess that tolerance is also allowing freedom of speech, but it can go too far.’’
The Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission said it was not illegal to fly a swastika flag, but anyone who felt vilified could lodge a complaint.
I may be wrong but I don't think this guy would get away with it in America. Some law would be twisted to harass him.
If this man had put up an old USSR communist flag nobody would have said a thing yet they killed far more people than the Nazis (and even helped the Nazis get started by siding with them in the beginning)
No Jon, he could not be stopped here in Amerika, (although they sure would try) as the First Amendment would protect the displaying of his flag, and rightfully so. If laws are going to be enforced based on peoples "memories and feelings", we're all in big trouble.
In '08, we had several massive rallies here in the US, in several different states, by some of the tens-of-millions of illegal aliens who are sucking us dry. Many on them carried the well-known solid-red, Marxist flag. The law said nothing. It was later learned that the rallies were in fact, organized and sponsered by several of South America's Marxist organizations in hopes of gaining political power here.
Where they successful? Just take a look at the White House and our current government for the answer.
Maybe not, Anonymous 2:36. In America, flag burning is protected under the First Amendment.
Well if a small piece of fabric with an image on it is blowing in the wind on his own property, I can't see what business it is of anyone else.
To quote from the article: “It’s got no place in Australia where we are trying to show the world that we’re a place of tolerance."
Except that they can't tolerate this fellow's choice of flags to fly. What irony on display in a single sentence.
"the flag could generate bad memories for many people in the community"
Driving past my elementary school fives me bad memories. You don't see me protesting to get it taken down.
I'll say one thing, I would not want to be the realtor that has to sell a house next to that guy.
Anonymous said...
"Maybe not, Anonymous 2:36. In America, flag burning is protected under the First Amendment."
First, i said nothing about burning the flag.
Second, that law pertains to the American flag, only.
flag burning in America protected? not if it is the Mexican flag, then it's a hate 'crime'
I am Jewish, I find this flag and this man's ideas extremely disgusting and offensive. However, I am going to say that hate speech is free speech even if you find the ideas disgusting, this man should be allowed to be an idiot and fly the flag.
If he is so Damn proud, why is he hiding his anme?
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