Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Media Badly Misrepresent Ann Coulter's 'Take A Camel' Remark

We read:
"Conservative author Ann Coulter found herself embroiled in controversy last week after she spoke at a Canadian university.

According to numerous American media outlets, when asked by a seventeen-year-old Muslim student at the University of Western Ontario last Monday, "[S]ince I don't have a magic carpet, what other modes [of transportation] do you suggest," Coulter responded, "Take a camel."

What the Coulter-hating media ignored is that she spent almost two full minutes giving a rather thoughtful, fact-based answer to the first, more serious part of Fatima Al-Dhaher's question, and was badgered by others in the crowd who clearly didn't like her response.

At that point, Coulter heckled the hecklers


If you haven't got time to watch the video, there is a transcript and further discussion at the source given.


Anonymous said...

This is nothing new, really. It's just how the media "reports" today. They don't just report the facts and the truth anymore. They report only what will advance their agenda, be it political or monetary.

We The People said...

How true that is! You can always tell who the Left fears most, by how hard they attack them, and how often. It's too bad that, generally speaking, the American people are not smart enough to realize that. It's also too bad that those same people don't seem to have a point at which the amount of government abuse they're taking causes them to finally wake up.

We The People said...

"How true that is" refered to the comment by Anon 2:38.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:46, you so well typify the liberal Left with exceptional vigor. When you find something that you don't agree with, you just resort to offensive name calling. Stellar!