Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Were racial slurs hurled at John Lewis and his entourage by Tea Party members?

We read:
"The MSM has decided the answer is yes: "Demonstrators outside the U.S. Capitol, angry over the proposed health care bill, shouted obscenities at members of the Congressional Black Caucus and spat on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Missouri Democrat. The protesters used a racial epithet toward Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat, and confronted a gay congressman with taunts."

The meme is clear. And it's not new. Tea Party members have been called racists for some time now by the race hustlers so this isn't surprising. The real question however is did it actually happen.

GatewayPundit brings us a video snippett of the event that seems to cast some serious doubt: Nothing is heard there that would suggest Lewis and his gang of political exploitation experts are correct. Nothing. But of course, it's only a snippet.

Let's assume the charges are true... that someone from the crowd yelled the "N" word and that someone spit at Lewis or Clyburn... who's to say that it wasn't a plant? Do you doubt for a minute that these leftist radicals would stoop to such a ploy? Seriously?


There is now such a long history of Leftists creating "racist" incidents in full confidence that the media will blame it on conservatives that it now should be the default assumption that Leftists did it.


Anonymous said...

Why should any body be suprised that people are mad enough to call the democrats anything. After all that has went on in the last year I would think being called nigger would be the least of their worries. I don't think they have seen anything yet. Stormewaters

We The People said...

I would have been very surprised had these allegations (not) been made. The left is famous for creating it's own "incidents". They get sympathy, attention, and further their "poor me" victim status. Besides, "if" those words were said, are they not protected political speech?

But while we're on the subject of racism, why is there a congressional black caucus, a congressional hispanic caucus, but no congressional White caucus?

"Beware of those who cry racism, for they are the true racists"

Anonymous said...

As you watch the video, you can see that several of the people in the entourage are carrying phone cameras to film the incident. If the spitting and racial slurs actually occurred, then why hasn't that video been released to show the incident actually took place?

But while we're on the subject of racism, why is there a congressional black caucus, a congressional hispanic caucus, but no congressional White caucus?

You have to remember that there is more to it than race. JC Watts is black, and yet while a Congressman, was not allowed to join the BCC.

Watts, of course, has conservative views.

Anonymous said...

I do believe it was a leftist plant. Obama and team have supported such actions before, I just am not surprised.

Robert said...

There is now such a long history of Leftists creating "racist" incidents in full confidence that the media will blame it on conservatives that it now should be the default assumption that Leftists did it.

That says it all.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time a 'noose' was hung by someone other than a black person to create racial tension.

I think the last 5 or 6 instances of people hanging nooses on university campuses were later found to be hung by a black person.

I saw that video...you think if a slur was said or someone spit that there would have been some kind of reaction from the congressman. Nope, they were walking along as if on cloud nine.

Didn't happen...


We The People said...

Anon 2:13 said;
"You have to remember that there is more to it than race. JC Watts is black, and yet while a Congressman, was not allowed to join the BCC. Watts, of course, has conservative views."

I understand. But if it were not about race, why are there no White leftists in those caucuses? My point is, why do/how can they exist when it's clearly racial discrimination. Would they, or their guilt-ridden White liberal supporters stand for a Congressional White Caucus?

Anonymous said...

Well, there's one sure way to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, whether it did or didn't happen. Just ask yourself one question;

Have you seen endless video on CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN of someone spitting on the politician?

Case closed!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:05 pretty much spells it out. There were many, many people around with cameras, phones, etc. If it happened, it would have been caught on tape and would now be on all the news stations being played nonstop to show how bad the teas partys are. My bet is that it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

why worry about what somebody was called? Liberals say whatever they when they want all the time with no repercussions. See Sean Penn for example.