At Ann Coulter event, 'lots of hate speech -- from students'
Two letters:
"On Tuesday night I was one of several hundred people who waited patiently in the Ottawa rain to hear what Ann Coulter had to say, but alas it was not to be. It was an interesting experience being called a racist bigot and other slurs by a cadre of unruly and rude students, whose education is subsidized by my tax dollars.
Then in yesterday's National Post, letter-writer Denise Cooke Browne asks the great unwashed not to "show up at [Ms. Coulter's] talks."
Contempt prior to investigation: Doesn't that constitute bias?
Ms. Cooke Browne also boasts of having been a former journalist and human rights investigator. It was fortunate I did not have to appear before her; I wouldn't have stood a chance.
Geraldine Hyland, Orleans, Ont.
While watching television coverage of Ann Coulter's aborted speech at the University of Ottawa on Tuesday, I saw no free speech but plenty of hate speech and threats of violence --from the students.
Sharon Quickfall, Edmonton.
This is simply another example of the radical left taking advantage of the publics weakness and it's unwillingness to deal with them. When was the last time a speech by a radical leftist was violently disrupted? Perhaps that's the problem. The best way to deal with radicals is to treat them the same way they treat others.
"When opposing views, theories, and facts are suppressed -- and that is just what is happening in Britain, Holland, the U.S., and Canada -- then democracy becomes a curse and not a blessing. The idea of democracy as a guardian of freedom rests on this: If we all fear government rule, then we all have a more or less equal interest in keeping government modest, tame, and neutral. When large percentages of the people view government as the goal and not the means, then these people have no interest at all in keeping government modest, tame, and neutral. Instead, government becomes the Cossack of their lusts. The sabers and whips are rightly (they think) used to punish and to intimidate all voices and all groups which oppose them."
– Bruce Walker
Coulter travels with a bodyguard ... and it's not to keep her fans away. Do any of the "high profile" hate filled lefties need bodyguards to protect them from anyone other than other crazy lefties?
Of course the hate speech is coming from the students. The Left encourages it as long as it moves their agenda forward. It's the double-standard that we must all face.
An idea comes to mind from the first two comments...
The best way to deal with radicals is to treat them the same way they treat others.
If we all fear government rule, then we all have a more or less equal interest in keeping government modest, tame, and neutral.
We need the Left to fear government rule more than death. Ideally, a conservative government starting in 2013 packed with people willing to dish out in spades to the Left exactly what they have for decades been dishing out to normal, conservative people - demonization, constant insinuations that they are mentally ill or the embodiment of evil (except with numerous actual examples to back up the insinuations), Congressional investigations of all Leftists and Leftist groups - and subject Leftists of all stripes to non-stop Hell for 8 years, with the prospects of more of the same for decades on end, could just well get them crying for mercy and demanding that government become modest, tame, and neutral once again. We would then be only too happy to oblige, finally with an aligned interest.
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