Saturday, March 27, 2010

Florida still trying to regulate political speech

We read:
"After a sharp Senate debate Wednesday, a bill is headed to Gov. Charlie Crist’s desk that would revive and modify a Florida ‘electioneering’ law that was ruled unconstitutional last year by a federal judge who said it violated freedom of speech. The debate, though, wasn’t about that part of the bill. …

U.S. District Judge Stephan Mickle last year ruled Florida’s ‘electioneering communications’ law violated constitutional guarantees of free speech by requiring nonpolitical organizations to register with the state and comply with financial reporting requirements if they so much as mentioned a candidate or issue.

The bill still would require some groups and individuals engaged in ‘election-related activities’ to register with the state if they raise more than $5,000, but not those focused only on issues.”



A Floridian said...

In a place like Florida, a place infamous for having a huge number of retired socialists and communists from NYC, people who still try to control everything, including the political process, this is to be expected. These are the same people who caused NYC to become "the other Left coast".

They're also the same people who tried to convince the country that in the 2004 presidential election, one that was so totally screwed-up, it was simply because "they just didn't understand what to do". In fact, it was a blatant attempt to steal the election for fat Algore.

The best way to get back at these people would be to outlaw "early bird specials". Now that would be painful!

Robert said...

Actually, it was the 2000 election that the Dems tried to steal for Al Gore. The 2004 election was a significantly wider victory for Bush.