The elastic British definition of "hatred"
We read:
"Last summer the British government banned U.S. radio commentator Michael Savage from setting foot in the UK. “Fostering extremism and hatred ” was his crime, as explained by Britain’s Home Secretary of the time, Jacqui Smith. “Coming to the U.K. is a privilege,” she elaborated, “and I refuse to extend that privilege to individuals who abuse our standards and values to undermine our way of life. Therefore, I will not hesitate to name and shame those who foster extremist views as I want them to know that they are not welcome here.”
The following month, for a hoopla titled “Cuba 50,” Britain rolled out the red carpet for Che Guevara’s daughter, Aleida. The celebration was billed as “the biggest European celebration in this 50th anniversary year (of Castro’s Stalinist regime).”
This British celebration for a regime that jailed political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s, murdered political prisoners at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler’s, created refugees at a higher rate than the Waffen SS and Gestapo created while conquering and subjugating France, and came closest of anyone to plunging the world into nuclear war—the festival for this regime was held in London’s luxurious Barbican Centre....
“Hatred as the central element of our struggle!” raved Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in his 1966 Message to the Tricontinental Conference in Havana. “Hatred that is intransigent…hatred so violent that it propels a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him violent and cold- blooded killing machine…We reject any peaceful approach. Violence is inevitable. To establish Socialism rivers of blood must flow! The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we’ll destroy him! These hyenas (Americans) are fit only for extermination. We must keep our hatred alive and fan it to paroxysm! The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims!”
Read the whole thing
This pretty much says everything there is to know about how far down Britain has gone. Personally, i no longer find them worthy of rational discussion. Let them sink into their own PC swamp.
They need to be discussed because the rest of the civilized world might not be too far behind.
You're right, but they seem determined to take the lead. How pathetic.
Here we go again - put "Britain" or "British" in the title and the whole nation is condemned or even insulted; but when the leftists and PC-crazies are American in the majority of stories reported here, the US as a country isn't condemned, or just not as bad as Britain yet. Talk about being partisan!
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