Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hate speech alleged in car review

A rather amusing story from South Africa:
"The Muslim Judicial Council has accused The Times newspaper of hate speech after one of its journalists, in a review of a car, likened its silent engine to "a Muslim rodent in a synagogue".

Muslim Judicial Council spokeswoman Nabeweya Malick said the comparison was unnecessary and insulting to the Muslim community. Malick said the negative connotation would "damage and distort the image, integrity and respect for the Muslim community" and could "create prejudice and bigotry between SA's different races and religions".

The Times referred the Cape Argus to an apology it had published, which said that even though the phrase was "intended as jest", many readers had complained.



Anonymous said...

(would "damage and distort the image, integrity and respect for the Muslim community")

Perhaps it's the terrorism and beheadings around the world that are doing that? Obviously, it's time the world came up with a "solution to the muslim problem".

Anonymous said...

So, "quiet as a church mouse" has negative connotations? Is the phrase also hateful against Christians?

Damn PC

Anonymous said...

This is simply part of the plan for world domination by radical Islam. We've seen it before and we'll see it again.

One day, the people of the world will wake-up and realize that they have been involved in a religious war with Islam for many, many, centuries. And in the end, only one side will win. Convert, succumb, or die. Those are the choices the people will have. Of course, there is another choice, but most of the worlds people lack the will for it. That choice is to destroy those who would destroy you, but do it first!

Anonymous said...

Dawkins is right - religion is a mental virus, some more virulent than others. Islam is the deadliest that makes its host even commit suicide and/or kill its own family members.