Wednesday, March 31, 2010

List of "banned" websites to be kept secret by Australia's own Geheime Staatspolizei

We read:
"Communications Minister Stephen Goering Conroy has agreed that greater oversight of which websites will be banned under the Government's mandatory internet filter is needed but has ruled out making the list public.

The Federal Government plans to introduce a filter aimed at blocking access to illegal material such as child pornography or content refused classification (RC) by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. But the blacklist put together by the communications watchdog has not been made public, raising concerns that governments can impose censorship without proper oversight.



Anonymous said...

The fools. They should make A list public, while keeping the actual (far longer) list secret.
No criticism, and you still get to do whatever you like.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Heinrich Himmler would be proud. It has always been my impression that Aussi's were a strong, independent people. Do they approve of their country becoming a Nazi-like state? If so, then my impression was obviously very wrong. They are getting closer and closer to socialist Britain and Canada every day, meaning, they don't just grow sheep any more, they're becoming sheep.

Anonymous said...

There might be a good business opportunity to market some software or services that circumvent the Aussie censor system.

Anonymous said...

Good thinking. I'd guess you're either jewish or Japanese.

Anonymous said...

don't they have freedom of information like the USA? (of course OhBummer is immune from it)