Police probe ‘racist’ T-shirts at Scottish shop

We read:
"An Aberdeen shop boss today told how he was left stunned when police turned up – to investigate his “racist” T-shirts. Slanj of Scotland, in Aberdeen’s George Street, has been selling tops backing anyone to win the football World Cup but England.
But the Aberdeen shop’s assistant manager Jamie Wilkinson today said he was shocked when officers launched an investigation over claims the T-shirts could incite violence during the World Cup.
Today Jamie, 23, insisted the T-shirts’ slogan, “ABE Anyone But England – South Africa 2010”, was nothing more than “harmless football banter”. He said: “It has nothing to do with hating the English, it is just about winding them up – and it seems to be working.”
Mr Wilkinson was told another T-shirt at the Aberdeen shop with the slogan “Algeria, USA and Slovenia Supporters’ Club” – a reference to the teams England will face in the first round of the World Cup – had also prompted claims of racism. But no action was taken and the Aberdeen shop will continue to sell the T-shirts.
Has it gone this far?
Are we not allowed to HATE anyone now?
Are we not allowed to advertise we HATE someone.
Sorry, HATE is a normal emotion just the same as love.
I HATE Liberals. Especially Brit Liberals. I hope the Brit footballers NEVER win another match....EVER!
Come on Brit Gestapo. Come and get me!
This truly is ridiculous and it clearly has nothing to do with race.
It's as old as civilization - healthy competition with neighbouring countries.
The police should focus on real crime and not waste time on such petty complaints. Perhaps that's easier work and still looks on paper as if they are doing something.
"T-shirts could incite violence during the World Cup."
They most certainly will when English hooligans decide to take on anyone wearing such a shirt. On the other hand they would do the same regardless of outfits so who cares really?
Anonymous said...
"The police should focus on real crime and not waste time on such petty complaints. Perhaps that's easier work and still looks on paper as if they are doing something."
The police in Britain, like in every other "civilized" country, must do what the law, (ie: the political leaders) tell them to do.
This is simply another case of a nation being addicted to political correctness. The socialist leaders believe they can create the "perfect utopia" that all socialists dream of. They are obviously not smart enough to realize that no such place exists, nor will it ever. But the more they search for this imaginary place, the more freedom people lose.
And bogs is correct. Hate is simply a human emotion, like love and fear, none of which can be legislated away. When being "offended" stops being a hugh, money-making industry, and when (if) the people regain their senses, this will all stop.
Well by May Britain will have a general election and in the same way the US swings from Reps to Dems and back again, the UK will most likely swing again from Labour to Conservative, altho both these dominant parties try to steal each other's clothing to appear centrists, until they can sneak in their desired agenda.
Anon 4:38
Unless they vote UKIP or BNP
Anon 4:38, i think you greatly overestimate the intelligence of the British people. If they haven't stopped the downward spiral of their society by now, chances are they won't any time soon. One of the greatest dangers of political correctness, is that people don't take it seriously. And like a cancer, by the time they do, it's too late.
3:21 AM - So how do you compare the "intelligence" of the US "people" vis à vis their psephology?
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