Things the media must not mention

An interesting email from a reader below -- concerning the screenshot above:
"When googling the search term "described as black males" an entry was included using the phrase: "Longo says it appears four Hispanic males were socializing in front of a trailer when two black males arrived and the confrontation took place. ... "
But when I clicked on the link, the article had edited out the politically incorrect reference to the perps as being black. The ethnic profile of the victims remained: Hispanic. Reporting black-Hispanic confrontations is taboo, apparently. But allowing readers to presume the killer may have been White is permissible.
Now the latest version of the report omits ALL ethnic descriptions. A great way to get assistance from the public in tracing the killers! The article ends: "Police are hoping community members will reach out to detectives with any information they have about the two armed men, who are reported to be still at large". If the media GAVE more information, the cops might GET more information. Though I suppose Americans are used to reading betweeen the lines and will assume that the killers were black unless it was otherwise mentioned.
From the first time I saw her, I thought Michelle was a very unattractive woman. Guess that makes me a racist?
No, it simply makes you someone with 20/20 vision.
Racial profiling is accepted, however, when a deed is deemed positive.
Michelle Obama is the antidote for an overdose of Viagra!
To me, the most chilling aspect of this is that the news articles are being revised. Yes, I know that Web sites get edited and corrected all the time, but this is different. News sites should absolutely NOT be editing their stories, but releasing revisions. In other words, they should leave a revision trail to keep themselves and the stories accountable.
In the end, political correctness will destroy us. And, it's well on it's way to doing just that. Remember, PC, like terrorism, is fueled by weak-minded people.
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