An interesting comment about NYC taste from a conservative Australian businessman presently in NYC
He is commenting after having been part of the audience for a Letterman show and after having greatly enjoyed Giacomo Puccini's Turandot at the Metropolitan Opera:

"Night Time and we headed to DANGERFIELDS. It felt very “Seinfeld” inside and we were excited and all ready to be entertained!!! We even saw Youtube footage of Seinfeld performing at this place.
So anyway, the Crowd Warm up guy was rubbish – arrgh then the first comedian was an excellent impersonator but needed MAJOR work on his script.
THEN, there was this 50 year old lady who ONLY told VULGAR SEX jokes!! The poor woman was degrading herself and women in general without even realising it!! – Ewwwww how REPULSIVE!!
Lastly, the BEST guy in the place was up there being one of the worst acts we had ever seen. Susan and I both ran out of this place as fast as we could in the end and felt like absolute crap.
When we were outside I was being a little too extraverted and talked loudly about how CRAP the place was to EVERYONE around me within earshot (including the next group of customers about to enter)!! I was ropable!!
THEN, when we came to a traffic light a fellow audience member who had also obviously left in a hurry JOINED me in the LOUD criticism. We were both able to let off a little steam about the place to one another (thank God there was at least 1 other person who thought the comics stank!).
We were suddenly the very best of friends – haha and both of our moods got better after finding each other. I wanted to jump in a bath and scrub myself clean – arrrgh but I don’t think any amount of scrubbing would get me clean again... “It won’t come off” -- lol.
So yes, this place was a REAL let down!! Susan and I BOTH felt we should have been PAID to go there not the other way around!! In fact we noticed the crowd warm up comic on David Letterman was also awful!!
We have concluded the standard of American Stand Up comics seems to be very low indeed!! .. especially when this place has received RAVE reviews and most of the crowd appeared to think these comics were actually funny!! The jokes told were ONLY about RACE and SEX I mean it really doesn’t take much of a brain to build a repertoire around these 2 subjects.
We went to a comedy night in Melbourne which had us all laughing our pants off – I think these New York comics need to learn something from our Melbourne performers, that’s for sure!! MAYBE, I can stay here and make 100 Million dollars being a stand up comic, if this is their standard it really is too easy!!
The only thing we could take from the place, was the fact so many well-known comics had actually performed there at some point in the past.
With the way I am feeling right NOW, I am craving going home and am soo sick of this place ... But the Comedy night was also sooooooooooooooo bad I just want to run as far away from it as I can – BUT, then I think of the OPERA *sigh* and I smile and feel better.
When I think of all the people who were having such a GREAT TIME at the comedy night again, I wonder about the difference in “realities” between us – would these same people enjoy the Opera?? Perhaps they would but for different reasons to Susan and me??? Very interesting!!! Maybe the HUGE population of people in New York allows one to see the reality differences between people more easily??
I have also learnt not to judge people negatively for being who they are. I think it is important to allow people to find happiness within their own reality and as long as their reality is not imposed on mine (being FORCED to inhale someone’s second hand cigarette smoke still bugs me for example) then I will enjoy simply being an observer and wish them all the best!!
What do American readers here think about all that? NYC is very politically correct. Is politically correctness just a cover for bad taste?
What was the point of that?
There was a reason 50s sitcoms had laugh tracks -- so we'd know which bits were funny.
Apparently, this visitor assumed that all peoples find the same things funny. DUH, they don't! I'm sure (as a NY'er) i wouldn't find Melbourne humor all that funny, nor should i. Different people have different tastes.
I was at Dangerfields back in the late 70's and early 80's, and saw some really great comics, including Rodney himself. Unfortunately, really funny comics are now only available on DVD or TV re-runs. I too don't enjoy people who must rely on sexually or racially explicit material to be "funny", as is the case with most performers today. In the days of the "truly great" comics, off-color words or topics were never neccessary. It was just raw talent. But, that's life.
Life changes all the time. But the next time someone tells you that "change is good", remember, change is not always good, nor is change always for the better. If you doubt that, just take a look at the US govt.
It could also just have been an off night. You don't always get to book the best comics and even good comedians have nights when their act isn't up to par. Eddy Murphy and Richard Pryor weren't clean but were very funny.. Dice is only funny half the time and is never clean. I wouldn't use one bad night as a complete commentary on society.
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