Jewish Fascist wants to silence Christians

She opposes not only freedom of speech but even freedom of beliefs!
"Chai Feldblum, the Georgetown University law professor nominated by President Obama to serve on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, has written that society should “not tolerate” any “private beliefs,” including religious beliefs, that may negatively affect homosexual “equality.”
Feldblum, whose nomination was advanced in a closed session of the Senate Health Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on December 12, published an article entitled “Moral Conflict and Liberty: Gay Rights and Religion” in the Brooklyn Law Review in 2006. “Just as we do not tolerate private racial beliefs that adversely affect African-Americans in the commercial arena, even if such beliefs are based on religious views, we should similarly not tolerate private beliefs about sexual orientation and gender identity that adversely affect LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender] people,” the Georgetown law professor argued.
Feldblum’s admittedly “radical” view is based on what she sees as a “zero-sum game” between religious freedom and the homosexual agenda, where “a gain for one side necessarily entails a corresponding loss for the other side.”
“For those who believe that a homosexual or bisexual orientation is not morally neutral, and that an individual who acts on his or her homosexual orientation is acting in a sinful or harmful manner (to himself or herself and to others), it is problematic when the government passes a law that gives such individuals equal access to all societal institutions,” Feldblum wrote...
Feldblum does recognize that elements of the homosexual agenda may infringe on Americans’ religious liberties. However, Feldblum argues that society should “come down on the side” of homosexual equality at the expense of religious liberty.
The full Senate must now vote on Feldblum's nomination, but a date for that vote has not yet been set. As an EEOC commissioner, Feldblum would rule on cases involving alleged violations of federal employment law, including gender, age, and race discrimination.
As a Catholic, I am ashamed to know that she is from Georgetown University- a Catholic institution.
" individual who acts on his or her homosexual orientation..."
well, that sums it all up quite well. Who you get in bed with is your CHOICE. Making bad choices has never been a protected form of expression. Jesse James made choices to rob banks. Some could argue he was genetically predisposed to act on this choice, that it was a lifestyle choice. Ted Bundy made some choices too. Was he genetically predisposed to these actions? Could he not control himself? If not, then he should have been celebrated and honored instead of electrocuted. So why does some behavior warrant special laws and treatment, and others do not?
Yet another person who believes that intolerance is the cure for intolerance. All that education and she still hasn't learned about the simple flaw that made the Nazis so evil so she repeats their mistake.
Amazing that we teach how evil the Nazis were and the great atrocities they committed but we don't teach about the fundamental errors they made in their reasoning that allow them to justify their actions to themselves.
Gee, just what the Mullah Obummer administration needs, another radical, communist, lesbian with way too much power. You would think having Butch Napalitano heading the Dept. of Homeland Stupidity was enough.
I wonder if her anti-religious rant is also aimed at muslims and jews. This article also proves something else, that gays and jews are (not) the lovers of tolerance as they always claim. The only tolerance they have is for their own. Let's hope Sen. Brown is seated in time to drop a building on this commie.
What we should not tolerate is a collage professor teaching our kids that has this kind of thinking. If we don't get control of our schools we will loose this war between Americans and the loons on the left. Stormewaters
"Just as we do not tolerate private racial beliefs that adversely affect African-Americans in the commercial arena"
How do we know the private racial beliefs? We can only know what people show to the public. One of the problems with the LGBT group is that they stopped being private, and want to be accepted by the public. How do they plan on monitoring people's private beliefs? Race is something that is fairly obvious. Sexuality is something that should not be obvious. If you keep your sex life in the bedroom, people can't really discriminate against you.
"One of the problems with the LGBT group is that they stopped being private, and want to be accepted by the public. "
---Of course they had to stop being private. If you want to get anything done in this country you have to show your face.
"If you keep your sex life in the bedroom, people can't really discriminate against you."
---Nobody does that, I remember when Al Gore frenched kiss his wife in public, Michael Jackson did the same with Lisa Marie Presley, for the most part, sexuality is expressed in public. From women wearing g-strings at the beach to construction workers whistling at the ladies, everyone expresses a part of their sexuality.
Of course, gays would have to be crazy to hold hands in some neighborhoods, but then again, I've never liked the sight of a black man holding hands with a white woman yet I don't go beating people up for that.
The funny thing is that many (but not all, of course) of the Biblical passages that Christians cite to demonstrate that homosexuality is not morally correct are OLD TESTAMENT passages. In other words, it's the JEWISH SCRIPTURE that they are citing!
Something about removing the mote from your own eye...wait, that's from the NEW Testament....
Ah, the silver lining - she acknowledged that anti-homosexual beliefs are not necessarily tied to religion. What will they do when they can't take the easy road of bashing religion.
"Bobby, have you ever heard of the "violent" JDL? (Jewish Defense League) Or the even more violent SDS, (Students For A "Democratic" Society) 95% of who's members were jewish? Also, list the number of lawyers in the ACLU who are (not) jewish. While you're at it, you can check the membership rolls for the Communist Party of America, and the Socialist Workers Party. (now called the Working Families Party)"
---I'll admit that the SDS commited acts of terrorism. As for the JDL? Yes, they've had a few fist fights but as someone who is fascinated with white supremacists I can tell you I'd rather deal with the JDL than with the Klan or the neo-nazis.
I recommend "The Fiery Cross," is an excellent book about the history of the KKK.
I don't know about 95% of liberals and SDS people being jewish, were did you get that statistic? There are plenty of non-Jewish liberals.
Hey 7:31 AM, the New Testament does have admonishions against homosexuality although liberal theologians say that St. Paul was talking about pederasty.
In the end, it don't matter, this isn't the United States of Christianity, people can believe whatever they want as long as they don't impose their views on their neighbors. That's one of the reasons the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage failed, in America many people believe in states rights and we don't want the feds messing with our constitution.
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