Must not post unflattering pictures of Mrs Obama

But EVERY unflattering photograph of GWB had to be circulated as widely as possible, of course
"Former “Happy Days” star Scott Baio claims he has been barraged with death threats and accused of being a racist after posting an unflattering photo of Michelle Obama on Twitter along with the caption “WOW He wakes up to this every morning.”
Outraged users reportedly responded with angry Tweets such as “Scott Baio should be PUT DOWN and someone will PUT YOU DOWN.YOU; your WIFE and KID.” Another Tweeter even went as far as to alter an image of Baio’s young child with the caption “this is what Scott Baio wakes up [to].” That photo has since been removed.
gosh, wanting to murder somebody because of a picture seems very similar to the way muslims react to a picture (or cartoon).
now thats funny, but i would have posted the one where she is side by side with the chimp, both making the same facial expression
Actually, when you pay attention to her, especially when she's not aware of the cameras, you can see the anti-America, anti-White rage on her face. In fact, she seems to have a hard time containing it.
Looks like somebody escaped from Planet of the Apes, LOL ;)
I hope Scott Baio goes after the people making threats to kill him and his kid, I don't think that's covered under the first amendment.
When are they going to change the name of the President's official residence?
Sorry, I disagree.
I think Michelle is the most attractive first lady in by 57-year memory.
It's her twisted brain that I find ugly.
According to THIS ARTICLE individuals' political affiliations could be accurately discerned from their faces.
In Study 1, perceivers were able to accurately distinguish whether U.S. Senate candidates were either Democrats or Republicans based on photos of their faces. Study 2 showed that these effects extended to Democrat and Republican college students, based on their senior yearbook photos. Study 3 then showed that these judgments were related to differences in perceived traits among the Democrat and Republican faces. Republicans were perceived as more powerful than Democrats. Moreover, as individual targets were perceived to be more powerful, they were more likely to be perceived as Republicans by others. Similarly, as individual targets were perceived to be warmer, they were more likely to be perceived as Democrats.
It would be fairer to liken it to posting unflattering pictures of Laura Bush.
While it is unkind, it is certainly not unusual to make personal comments about public figures. Its also no worse than what gets said about plenty of women in the public eye every day.
Scott Baio huh, I wondered if he was still alive. said...
"Sorry, I disagree. I think Michelle is the most attractive first lady in by 57-year memory."
You are right, which simply proves that not everyone has good taste, or in your case, any taste. But it was a cute, if not sneaky, way to get people to visit your website.
do muslim women sleep in the same room as their muslim husbands?
Michelle Obama is only pretty from the neck down. She's what my friends call a "double-bagger," one bag for you and one for her.
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