Must not question Obama

We read:
"A controversial billboard in a small Colorado town portrays President Barack Obama as a terrorist and questions his citizenship. "Since Fort Hood, I've had it," owner Phil Wolf (the creator of the billboard) told FOX 31 News on Friday. "You can't suggest things. You can't profile. You gotta call a spade a spade."
Naturally, others disagree: columnist David Sirota, “This conservative hatred of Barack Obama is out of control, and this brings together all those strands of it: the racism, the anti-Muslim fervor. It's one thing to criticize the president on health care, or Wall Street reform, or immigration. But this is outrageous."
Where were these people when it was President Bush receiving the hatred?
Oh yeah, they were in the front line dishing out that hatred.
I don't hate Obama but I do despise what he's done.
To echo above, while I am personally very conservative, I certainly don't hate President Obama. I simply disagree with his stance on several issues. Unfortunately, many from the Left simply cannot comprehend how a person like me can disagree with someone and yet not hate him.
Why doesn't the President just come out and officially address the birth certificate issue? By not doing so, he is perpetuating the conspiracy whereby people think that he's trying to hide something. If he has nothing to hide, then why not come out and say so? For Congress to have dragged their feet on this goes to further the conspiracy even further.
On Jaz Mckey's program they were saying how no one from his collage remembers him at all, no one. They say they have questioned all to the people that went to his schools and he is a unknown person until he became president. Stormewaters
Of course, then there is the charge that people will make that this ad, which ran in the Washington Post, is racist:
Why doesn't the President just come out and officially address the birth certificate issue?
Why should he? It is politically brilliant not to address it. Obama gets to not address the issue while all conservatives are labeled as "nut" and "birthers." By not addressing it, Obama lets others do the dirty work of marginalizing a group of people, and then those on the left attack all conservatives for being "wacko birthers."
The media won't hold him accountable for anything. The Congress won't hold him accountable for anything. Courts have ruled on the issue based on the petitioners not have "standing" to sue. By doing nothing, Obama lets others do his dirty work for him.
It's interesting how those on the far-Left use race as a reason non-Leftists dislike Obama. Have they forgotten who played the "race card" in the presidential campaign? (clue: it was not John McLoser or any other White candidate)
Another word Leftists use sparingly is, hate. If you have the audacity to disagree with them, that means you're a hateful person, blinded by hate. Once again, they omit the "fact" that it is they who spread hate with their vile lies.
1. Obama is totally unqualified to hold the office. (race not involved here)
2. Obama is clearly a Marxist. (not a black Marxist, just a Marxist)
3. The "only" rational reason a person would have for "refusing" to produce simple documents proving his educational and birth-place claims is to avoid being caught lying, and therefor being impeached! (nothing to do with race here either)
History will show how the majority of Americans were scamed by the Obamunists and their allies in the MSM, all done simply to take control of this country and move us into global Marxism. Sound crazy? Just take a look around you at all the things that are taking place, or are being attempted.
Be thankful for the Mayans whose December 21, 2009 doomsday prophecy spares us from four more years of that America hating, Dumbo-eared, Marxist in the Oval Office.
I object to the fact that this so-called president is doing everything in his power to make sure that he's the last president because our once great nation will be no more.
Obama is clearly a Marxist.
Proof please.
Why should Obama provide a birth certificate? Just because YOU ask for it? I think in a case like this it's the accuser's responsibility to provide evidence. You don't think he's American? Prove it! You think Bush did something illegal to avoid Vietnam? Prove it!
Anon 4:57
Proof? Go back to the speeches he made while running. Notice how many times he spoke of redistributing wealth, taxing the wealthy, controlling industry. Then look at what he is doing and has done to effectively take control of private industry since being inagurated. Look at the health bill and the amount of control it will give government over people.
What more proof do you need? As they say, if it walks like a duck . . .
No references, no credibility. Try again.
So anyone who questions the President is a conservative? WTF!
Dean, you're talking to the brain dead. (ie: liberals)
The blind can not see because they are blind. Liberals can't see because they refuse to see!
re: Obama is clearly a Marxist.
Proof please.
Seriously?? Okay, if he achieves his agenda as he has himself communicated it, he completes codifying the entire initial set of objectives of the Communist Party of the United States.
Oh, and along the same proof line, please show me the proof that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction.
Can't provide any proof, eh? All talk, all bullshit. Those who cannot any proof are the ones who are brain-dead. Jerks.
Anon 4:37 PM
The proof is all over You Tube, look it up, it's there.
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Stiff no proof ... Still no links ... still no references. Brain dead conservatards. Shut up or put up.
What would you accept as proof short of a video of Obummer claiming to be a follower of Marx?
Perhaps you need to stop demanding proof like a little child and take the time to learn what Marx advocated doing. Then compare that to what Obama has advocated and then maybe you'll be able to see the connection.
Anon 9:32
One may assume you are also Anon 4:57?
Where are your references to prove Obama is not a Marxist? Or are we to take your word for it?
I referenced his speeches - look them up and read them. I also referenced his actions as president, all of which have been reported in variouus news media.
Anon. 2:37 has a good point:
The blind can not see because they are blind. Liberals can't see because they refuse to see!
I would change 'liberals' to 'Obama fans' as not all liberals are fans of Obama. Some are beginning to see the truth and question just what they have done putting Obama in office.
The burden of proof rests on you since you made the outrageous Marxist claims without absolutely no backup. I will not play your sick game.
No references = no credibility. Try again.
Hey Anonymous! How about you prove that Karl Marx was a Marxist?? If you reference his writings and actions, you'll see he was. Ditto for the big O. There really is no difference, and your argument really is pretty stupid. I'm sure you're smarter than that. Anyone with an iota of sense and knowledge, listening to the Big O and seeing his actions, can easily call a spade a a spade. Why can't you? It truly is astounding how ignorant some people can behave! If you've read ANYTHING by the big O, and seen ANY of his speeches, and SEE what he's doing...and not come away with the understanding that he IS a Marxist, well, it's no wonder half this nation was foolish enough to vote the clown in.
No references = no credibility. Try again.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
—Karl Marx
"I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."
—Barak Obama
"I would look at raising the Capital Gains Tax for purposes of fairness." (This is in spite of the fact that the government revenues from this tax increased when the tax rate was lowered and decreased when it was raised.)
—Barak Obama
Thank you Luke.
Anon. 3:58 " you made the outrageous Marxist claims without absolutely no backup,".
You're right. I had backup. Obama's words, Obama's actions.
Double negatives are the pits, aren't they.
Anon 2:40 AM:
The Mayan calendar does NOT predict doomsday! This is a myth being perpetuated by Hollywood. Do some research, and you will find that we are approaching the end of an AGE, not doomsday. The Mayan calendar does not stop on 12/21/2010, it simply rolls to the beginning of the next age.
Now you guys know it is only Faux Snooze, George Bush, Cheney and Carl Rove saying those things about the anointed one. You know 'The One' we have been waiting for(sic) never said anything about taking from those that earn and giving it to those that don't. You know it was only the Republican news media saying he actively sought out marxist and other radicals to pal around with during college. It is all made up by the tea baggers and promoted by Faux Snooze. You know it was Rumsfeld that wrote those books and put Obama's name on them.
For the record, I don't hate the chosen one. I just wouldn't cross the street to pump water up his backside if his guts were on fire.
Isn't it 2012 not 2010
Anonymous said...
"Can't provide any proof, eh? All talk, all bullshit. Those who cannot any proof are the ones who are brain-dead. Jerks."
Do you mean like Obummer, who can't/won't provide any proof that he's an American citizen? Or prove his educational "claims"? Is that what you mean?
Here is how this blog works:
1. Someone makes an unsubstantiated claim about whatever.
2. Another person asks nicely for proof, references, or links.
3. Everyone else pummels #2
Did I get this correct?
It is obvious he has a partial liking to Marxists. Read his book, he hung out with the Marxists in college. WHY? Of course they've influenced him. Read what Karl Marx believed and compare with Obama's statements. He may not be a pure Marxist but he's very close.
Anon 4:20,
That's too often true of both sides. However, I noticed that you posted this comment after I had already linked to some evidence. Second, that evidence should have already been well known to you even before I linked to it. So isn't that like asking for proof of the obvious?
However, here's some evidence (which I had nearly forgotten about) which you probably didn't know:
Obama ran for the Illinois Senate as a member of the Chicago New Party. (Scroll down to "Chicago New Party Update".) The Chicago New Party was thoroughly intertwined with the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America party, receiving funding from them, and sharing office space and staff. (Scroll all the way to "New Party Organizes.) Note that they also intermixed with ACORN and SEIU.
The Chicago New Party wasn't merely its own party, it was a sock puppet for the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America party, and was disbanded when the law was changed to make such sock puppet "parties" illegal. (There's a specific term for this type of false front party, but I don't remember what it is.) In fact, notice that these links are to the Chicago Democratic SOCIALISTS of America's own web site.
There is other evidence out there, but this should be plenty clear.
Luke, it annoys me when people make a claim and do not back it up, even if it may be "obvious". I have no beef (or if you are vegan, tofu) with you. You provided some interesting backup. The 4:20 comment was a general comment, not necessarily directly related to the current post. These blogs tend to be more interesting when there are references, thereby increasing more thoughtful commentary.
"These blogs tend to be more interesting when there are references, thereby increasing more thoughtful commentary."
I agree.
It sounds like you're saying that you dismiss it without even checking out whether or not its claims are true. In other words, an a priori dismissal. Is that what you mean?
Whoops. Wrong thread.
Phil Wolf has come right out and said what millions of Americans would be well-justified in thinking. The evidence that Obama is following the Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy the United States of America and is a traitor and enemy keeps piling higher and higher.
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