Thursday, December 04, 2008

University just doesn't get that free speech thang

They set up a "free expression tunnel" and are then surprised that students use it to express themselves freely!
"UNC system President Erskine Bowles wants a commission to determine whether every state university campus in North Carolina should establish a university code that blocks hate speech. Bowles' decision came less than a month after four N.C. State University students spray-painted statements that many deemed racially inflammatory on the Free Expression Tunnel on campus.

Bowles met Tuesday afternoon with leaders of the state chapter of the NAACP and saw a photograph of one section of the graffiti for the first time. After the meeting, he declared the graffiti hate speech. The graffiti suggested shooting President-elect Barack Obama in the head. It also used a racial slur.

In a letter sent to Bowles on Tuesday, leaders of the state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union urged caution if university leaders are to consider policies that declare certain language "hate speech."


Nice to get some support for free speech from the ACLU for a change. Some branches of the ACLU seem to be better than others.


Anonymous said...

Come on, this is nothing more than another example classic of Liberal hypocrisy. They want to give freedoms, then want to take them away because people use those freedoms. Nothing to see here, move along.

Anonymous said...

they urged caution to make sure not to limit the free speech of Muslims and blacks most likely...

Anonymous said...

I forget where I read this (sarcasm intended) but I think this sums up my feelings on "Hate Speech"

"HATE SPEECH": The Supreme Court in the 1989 Texas v. Johnson case stressed that the "First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and religious intolerance or matters some deem trivial, vulgar, or profane."

Anonymous said...

for 8 years I have heard slurs directed at President Bush and I even recall a movie depictinng President Bush being assassinated. I do not recall anyone crying "Hate Speech" about those things.

Anonymous said...

You want to see the hue and cry over it - try producing the same movie - but about the President-elect.

Anonymous said...

What i find amazing, (albeit not surprising) is how policies like this one, based solely on political correctness, are tolerated by the people. PC, like terrorism, is fueled by weakness. The weaker the people get, the more blatant these acts will become, especially during the next 4-8 years of the new Left-wing government.

Anonymous said...

Most people have little choice but to tollerate them.
If you don't, you can loose your job, and possibly even your life.

With leftists in control of vital positions everywhere and having groups of thugs in their employ to act as "enforcers" (unofficially of course), it's getting rather dangerous to not do as you're told (and will only get worse when those thugs become government-sanctioned under The One).

Anonymous said...

That's a great attitude. Just give up and drink your Kool-Aid. You must be from N. Korea or San Francisco!

Anonymous said...

Free speech is one thing, threatening or suggesting murder of someone is something else.