Friday, December 26, 2008

Hate speech from the Left against Pastor Warren

We read:
"Rick Warren, the evangelical preacher chosen by Barack Obama to deliver the inaugural invocation, has posted a three-part video to his church's website responding to the furor that has erupted over his selection. In the video, Warren criticizes the media, and, in particular, bloggers, for fueling the controversy. And he says the criticism of him in the wake of his selection has been characterized by "a lot of hate speech" and by "Christophobia -- people who are afraid of any Christian.''

"Our nation is being destroyed by the demonization of differences,'' he says. "The fact that an evangelical pastor believes in keeping the historic definition of marriage -- that's not news. The fact that the gay community would disagree with me -- that's not news either. The real story is that a couple of different American leaders have chosen to model civility for the rest of the nation.''

"Free speech has to be free speech for everybody,'' he says. "Some people feel today if you disagree with them that's hate speech...I'm neither afraid of gays, nor do I hate gays. In fact, I love them, but I do disagree with some of their beliefs, and I have that constitutional right.''


There is a video of Pastor Warren replying to his attackers at the link above. He is in many ways a centrist politically (which is why Obama chose him) but he is a traditional Christian. But a traditional Christian is not allowed to say a prayer at the Obama inauguration, apparently. That sounds pretty intolerant to me.

I am sure Obama has his eye on the great majority of Americans who feel repelled by homosexuality rather than on the small but shrill homosexual population.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Warren ... I don't hate gays and I'm not afraid of them, but I don't agree with their lifestyle. Why should my opinion be considered hateful?

Anonymous said...

I see - when gays voice their freedom to speak they are "shrill" - when others do they are are somehow "shrill-less" !???

Anonymous said...

I see - when gays voice their freedom to speak they are "shrill" - when others do they are are somehow "shrill-less" !???

Anonymous said...

sorry for the unintended double-take!

Anonymous said...

[sarcasm on]


No shrillness here.

Or here.

Or here.

Or here.

Or here.

Or the "brave" "gay rights" supporter who beat up an old lady carrying a cross.

Yep. No "shrillness" whatsoever. Nothing to see here. Move along. Nothing to see here.

[sarcasm off]

Anonymous said...

Wow Heckers lad - you seem to have caught the shrill-ness bug too - sarcasm on & off!

Anonymous said...

All I did was list a number of examples. Was it the number of examples that you considered "shrill"?

If so, then pray tell; How do you show that a certain behavior is widespread without showing numerous examples?

Anonymous said...

Pray tell how you distinguish "shrill" comments from non "shrill" comments - ??

Anonymous said...

Threats. Beatings. Forcing people out of their jobs. etc. Especially as a widespread pattern.

Okay, okay. Those things are a little beyond shrill.

Anonymous said...

Name calling certainly falls into normal shrill, too.

Anonymous said...

Fear not. AIDS will save us!

Anonymous said...

[sarcasm on]

Brilliant! Let's make this public policy!

"We had to destroy the village to save it."

"Beatings and executions will continue until moral improves."

"Doctors have announced that they have discovered the perfect cure for many deadly diseases, including cancer, heart disease, AIDS, and even the Ebola virus. By killing the patient themselves, doctors can now prevent these diseases from killing their patients. Patients discovered to have these diseases will now be injected with a cocktail of lethal drugs to save them from the deadly effects of their diseases."

[sarcasm off]

If you ever get tired of that saccharine smug feeling which comes from beating up straw bundles back in the kindergarten room, feel free to join us out here in the real world. You know where to find us.

Anonymous said...

Nor is there any tolerance exhibited by the Sodomites here, or here, nor do they care that they would be tipping over the first domino in a chain reaction of the reliably destructive effects on society, which if they were known more widely would undoubtedly have increased support for recognizing only genuine marriage by an even wider margin. Knowledge is power!