Thursday, December 18, 2008

Must treat native musical instrument seriously

"Baz Luhrmann's epic Australia and its star Nicole Kidman have angered Aboriginal groups after the actress tried to play a didgeridoo on a German television show at the weekend. The light-hearted stunt flouted Aboriginal custom in many parts of Australia, where women are forbidden to play the instrument.

Kidman blew feebly into a didgeridoo during a promotional appearance on Wetten, Dass .?, a high-rating German program known for its high jinks.

Richard Green, an award-winning actor, screenwriter and Dharug language teacher, said he was disgusted. "People are going to see Nicole playing it and think it's all right. It bastardises our culture. I will guarantee she has no more children. It's not meant to be played by women as it will make them barren." The didgeridoo, or yirdaki, is said by some to make women infertile, and Mr Green said he feared other women would imitate Kidman without realising its dangers.



Anonymous said...

She certainly knows how to hold it, doesn't she. Great form! ;)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity for Scientific Experiment! Let's put to the test this theory that playing a didgeridoo makes women infertile.

When articles of "faith" can be so demonstrably shown to be correct or wrong, it is almost a crime to let them go unchallenged - especially when they have such vocal proponents.

It shouldn't be hard to find volunteers...

Anonymous said...

And I always thought Aussies had a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

It's not part of my culture, Mr. Abo, so I don't care if she blows it or uses if for a pole dance.

Anonymous said...

Now if she could blow it while doing a pole dance, that would be something

Anonymous said...

How about we just have the pole dance?

Oh, and if the infertility thing works, can we please pass out free digiri-what-evers to young girls ingroups most prone to getting knocked up before graduating high school?

Anonymous said...

Even as a non-Aussy, listening to the mystical sound of the didgeridoo (in the right hands) is quite enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that it is not bad form for women to play the didgeridoo in all Aboriginal groups and there is even some disagreement amongst the ones that might consider it taboo.
Nicole has done nothing wrong - move along people...

Anonymous said...

The Aboriginal groups are just begrudgers because they realise Nicole is a real blonde and that's something they'll never be.

Anonymous said...

The racism and sexism here is appalling. The disrespect for an ancient proud culture an utter disgrace. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of blond Aboriginals and to act like not being blonde is subhuman or 2nd class is vile inhumanity.