Monday, December 29, 2008

How to talk about Presidential exercise

If a Republican President does "keep fit" exercises, that is contemptible and dangerous. If a Democrat President-to-be does "keep fit" exercises, the sun shines out of his rear end. Doubt me? Michelle Malkin has the quotes.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone else notice a surprising (NOT) similarity between the way Obama and Putin behave and are portrayed?

And we all know how "democratic" Putin is.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Presidential excercise...

Does Slick Willie's vertical "push-ups" in his Monica gym count?

Anonymous said...

"Monica and Bill were both white as the driven snow. He never inhaled & she never swallowed.

Anonymous said...

Do you get the feeling that with all the venom spewed at Bush and the Republicans over the last eight years by the Left and it's media, that from now on, nothing but flowery praise will be thrown at your new half-breed president no matter what he does or says? In fact, the media can't afford to do anything else since it was they who got him elected, and they're not about to make themselves look as though they were wrong.