Monday, March 07, 2011

Never believe anything a Muslim representative says?

That would seem to be safest policy. First read the story below written by one Zaki Hasan -- from the Puffington Host, unsurprisingly.
"For some background, this is footage of a protest rally in Orange County outside of a fundraiser held by ICNA -- the Islamic Circle of North America -- to raise money for the poor and orphans in the area. As attendees -- mostly families, including young children -- from the local Muslim community file into the center where the event is being held, you can hear the jeers of derision and hate: "You beat your women?" "You rape your children?" "Why don't you go beat up your wife like you do every night?" None of that, unfortunately, is all that surprising, but what is surprising is the people who are there to cheer them on.

Witness this quote from Deborah Pauly, a local councilwoman, speaking to the gathered horde:
Let me tell you what's going on over there is pure, unadulterated evil. And I don't care... I don't even care if you think I'm crazy any more. I have a beautiful daughter. I have a wonderful 19-year-old son who is a U.S. Marine. In fact, I know quite a few Marines who would be happy to send these terrorists to an early meeting in paradise.

All that from an elected official who represents a community that I'm reasonably certain has at least a few Muslims living in it. And she's saying it about women, children, and families who are there to help the poor. You take rhetoric like this, draped in the trappings of patriotism but anti-American to its deeply-bigoted core, and you wonder if people like Pauly and her ilk, be they the protesters or her fellow politicos, would even grasp the clear irony that her speech and those like it embody the very same hatred and bigotry she seems to think she's railing against when calling her fellow citizens -- her neighbors -- "pure, unadulterated evil." Vile. Just vile.


We know for starters that extremist Muslim groups often hide behind a pretence of being charitable organizations, with the goons of HAMAS in Gaza being a prime example of that. So is ICNA like that or is it just the innocent charity that the Muslim writer above claims? You can find one answer here. ICNA is in fact a Jew-hating Islamic supremacist organization. So the opposition to the ICNA gathering was exactly what it should have been. People need to expose these Muslim frauds and their vile practices.

There is a chance that Google might suspend this blog for the forthright post above so take note of my mirror sites. Google seem to have very rubbery standards about what Muslims and critics of Muslims can say. If this post is hate speech so is the post I have quoted. May I say that Islam is vile, just vile?


Anonymous said...

What concerns (not surprises) me is the Left's (and the MSM's) support of all these Muslim "organizations" popping up all over the country. Why are they necessary? And would American organizations be tolerated in their home countries?

What we are seeing is the slow, but steady, incursion of islam into America. This is exactly what they've done, and continue to do, in European countries. There are large parts of Britain where Sharia Law is not only in place, but officially recognized by the govt. and the church of England! With the help of the Left, the MSM, and their brother in the WH, that is what Muslims will do here. Wake up! It's already well under way.

Anonymous said...

A little bit misleading - sharia law in the UK is only applicable within muslim communities for those who opt for it, but those muslims still have the right to go to UK and EU law.

Anonymous said...

Sharia law in the UK cannot go as far as executing or maiming anyone.