An American Muslim says so:
" I hereby award Congressman Peter King (R-NY) an Oscar for "King's Hate Speech" - for his lifelong bigotry, and for fostering hate.
The Congressional hearings chaired by Peter King are supposed to determine the extent of radicalization amongst American Muslims and the response to the threat or lack thereof, of the Muslim leaders. The hearings are premised on questionable claims the Congressman has been touting for years: That American Muslims, especially their "leaders," have not been cooperative in the fight to eradicate the scourge of 'homegrown' terrorism. That mosques in America are a run by disloyal and radical imams with ties to foreign and illegal entities. And finally, that American Muslims and their faith is a threat to America's religious and national fabric.
Peter King's enquiry would seem perfectly legitimate considering the hatred toward the West that continues to pour out of Muslim mouths worldwide. What is the Muslim writer above afraid that Peter King might find out?
Muslims will no doubt be able to defend themselves against any accusations if they can. Is our Muslim friend afraid that they will not be able to defend themselves against accusations of bias and bigotry because the accusations of bias and bigotry are true?
NO enquiry is hate speech as far as I can see. It is just an enquiry. It would only be hate speech if it came to false and damaging conclusions. I think our Muslim friend is afraid it might come to true and damaging conclusions. At the very least, he is prejudging the issue.
Gotta love this quote from another opponent of the King enquiry: "And David H. Schanzer, director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University and the University of North Carolina, says a research project he led found 'Muslim-Americans uniformly reject violent extremism."
UNIFORMLY -- meaning that NOT ONE Muslim supported violence! It's not even clever bullsh*t!
But I am afraid that is what we have to expect from Duke U. these days. Their collective big leap to believe a false accusation against their lacrosse players shows what mental midgets they have teaching there.
The fact that other enquiries have produced such absurd conclusions shows how badly the King enquiry is needed, it seems to me.
"If intimidation and threats are allowed to compel writers, cartoonists, thinkers and institutions of learning into self-censorship, the right to free speech is lost. If Muslims are allowed to pressure critics of Islam into silence, critics of religion will be next. And then everyone else." -- Yaron Brook
Was that quote before the UN attempted to enforce resolutions about blasphemy?
Peter King is a hero, like Joe McCarthy (who in the end turned out to be right about commies in the government), he's fighting the good fight. There are even moderate Muslims THANKING HIM for what's he's doing.
Good point Gregory. What the Leftists and other communist sympathizers always omit when they whine and rant about "McCarthyism" is that "he was right"! At the time of those hearings there was a large number of communist spies and sympathizers in various branches of the US government, academia, the news media, and the entertainment industry. Unfortunately, old Joe is gone, but the commies are still there.
Only those with something to hide protest vehemently and call it bigotry and racism in an attempt to cower those seeking the truth. The Muslims have learnt well from the ACLU and the NAACP.
A pack of congress-critters is gonna get to the truth?
Have you people not figured out that the politicians are more of a threat to your freedoms than muslims?
Have none of you ever watched the farce that is a congressional investigation?
Do any of you honestly think this is anything more that a chance for the members of the committe to pander to their respective bases?
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