Sunday, May 03, 2009

Canadian hypocrisy

Alberta has just amended its human rights legislation but left in place its hate speech provisions:
"Despite all the rhetoric about the need to protect freedom of speech, the Alberta government is doing precisely nothing about it. In a profoundly disappointing decision, the Alberta government's legislation to amend the Act has left in place the section dealing with matters of speech.

That decision is briefly explained here (PDF):

- Section 3 of Alberta’s human rights legislation already states that “nothing shall be deemed to interfere with the free expression of opinion on any subject.”

- Government found that removing “publications” from the Act could have serious consequences. Ultimately, Albertans need a balance between freedom of speech and responsibility.


So they pretend that their Act already protects free speech, completely ignoring that it does not -- as shown by the fact that Pastor Boissoin was successfully prosecuted for hate speech under it.


Anonymous said...

This is not the only government that tells it's people they have free speech, when in fact what they really mean is "govt approved" speech.

Anonymous said...

I guess that's what happens when you elect a conservative government. They start taking away your freedom of speech with things that only they approve of.

Anonymous said...

Your statement is correct, except that it's those on the left who are in the habit of taking freedoms away unless they pre-approve of those freedoms first. Those on the left, those who claim to be lovers of freedom and tolerence are the first ones to take them away.

Need a perfect example? Just take a look at what the guy you voted for, president Obomber, is doing.

Anonymous said...

It seems Canada, like the US, has replaced freedom of speech with political correctness. PC is actually anti-free speech.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:48, are you talking to me? I was Anon 3:27.

Only I'm not American, I'm Canadian. And in Alberta too. The most conservative province in the country.

Of all our districts, only one (1) did NOT elect a conservative MP in the last federal election.

And of the Eighty-Three seats in our provincial assembly, Seventy-Two are held by the conservative party. I'll do the math for you. That's ELEVEN (11) seats held by Liberals.

Robert said...

I guess we need to know if in Canada "conservative" and "liberal" go by their 18th and 19th century meanings, where "conservative" referred to conserving the old medieval feudal-mercantilist order and "liberal" referred to maintaining and expanding individual liberty, or the 20th and 21st century meanings of the words, which are inverted from the 18th and 19th century meanings. It would be very surprising if a government filled with people who share an attitude of maintaining and expanding individual liberty were to instead act to roll it back.

Anonymous said...

The conservatives are the anti-abortion, christian, pro-business party that the farmers vote in. That help with your definitions?

They're also the party that had an MP say that if people were going to move out to Alberta, they should hold to the provinces values and vote conservative, and not Liberal or NDP. Of course, the leader of the conservative party pretty much told that guy to get his head out of his ass right afterward, but there you go.