Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Attempted coverup: Obama laughs at offensive "jokes" on Fox news but not on MSNBC

From Fox news, we get the following report (excerpt) of the hate-speech about Rush Limbaugh uttered by black "comedian" Wanda Sykes:
"He's not saying anything differently than what Usama bin Laden is saying," she continued, before addressing the guest of honor, President Obama. "You know, you might want to look into this, sir, because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker. But he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight."

The crowd groaned, Obama smiled and Sykes may have noticed a little discomfort in the room. "Too much?" she asked. But then she piled it on:

"Rush Limbaugh, 'I hope the country fails' -- I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? ... He needs a good waterboarding, that's what he needs."

Obama joined the crowd in laughing at the crack about Limbaugh's "kidneys."


Below is the full MSNBC report
"The White House is keeping its distance from an entertainer's joke comparing conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh to a terrorist.

On Monday, presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs was asked for President Barack Obama's reaction to Wanda Sykes' comedic performance Saturday at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner.

"I don’t know how guests get booked," said Gibbs. "That’s a White House Correspondents' Association thing."


Anything missing from the MSNBC report? To the bigoted mainstream media, a black man can do no wrong. He can certainly not laugh at hate speech. So they cover for Obama in their usual way.

Will Sykes have to apologize the way golf analyst David Feherty had to? Both wished death on someone.

And will Obama condemn her hate speech? I hope I am wrong but I think we already know the answers to both questions. There are reports that "The White House" (a talking house?) has distanced itself from the remarks but as at the time of writing we had heard nothing from Obama himself


Anonymous said...

Her outrageous insults will be allowed to stand because she belongs to three protected classes. She's black, female, and a Leftist. As for yo president, the phony Obummer, he'll just do what he always does. He'll blame it all on someone else.

In the next 3 1/2 years, Americans will realize that they've elected their own Hugo Chavez.

Anonymous said...

Rush wants Obama to fail, not the country. There is a significant difference.

Of course, these leftists pretend that Obama is the country. It seems to me that there have been quite a number of examples of this false conflation in history. One in particular seems to be right on the tip of my tongue…

Stan B said...

How many jokes have we heard about sending well known Conservatives "hunting with Cheney" in the hopes that they get shot/killed?

And how many more times will we have to sit through this "hate speech" from the left before America wakes up to the PC Double-Standard?

Anonymous said...

So let's see if I have this straight. Bush does a sketch where he can't find the weapons of mass destruction. the left says it was in bad taste and demands an apology, the right says lighten up, it was a joke, but it may have gone a little too far.

So now Obama only laughs at someone else's joke, and the right demands an apology from the guy who ONLY laughed at it, while the left are telling you guys to lighten up, it was just a joke, but it may have gone a little too far.

So how do you guys see with that enormous log in your eye?

Anonymous said...

I thought it was pretty damn funny. Screw you if you can't take a joke.

Sean said...

First Anon: She is past the trifecta of protected classes and has moved on to the superfecta. She is black, female, leftist, and she is also a lesbian.

Bobby said...

"I thought it was pretty damn funny. Screw you if you can't take a joke."

---We can take a joke, the question is can you? Can you laugh if I play "Barrack the Magic Negro?" Do you keep your cool if Rush Limbaugh refers to Obama as a halfrican-American?

Ironically, Wanda Sykes said that if Obama doesn't do a good job he will no longer be "the first black president" but "that mulatto" or that "half-white guy."

Anonymous said...

Well said Bobby. We all know those on the left have zero tolerence for anything they disapprove of, which is anything not on the left. That's one of the things that makes them irrelevant. They are very good at dishing it out, but they can't take it at all. FCUK 'EM!

Anonymous said...


The linchpin of the Obumunist Error, which makes failure life’s highest virtue and success life’s cardinal sin, it seals the deal by pinning a ‘fiscal discipline’ label on spending money you don’t have and aren’t likely to get.

jonjayray said...


l'état, c'est moi

the tip of the tongue quote?

Yes. I think Obama does think he is another Sun King

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of the Left pandering to Political Correctness--but only when it suits them. If it was a White woman like Kathy Griffen wishing a black man dead, she would be in jail awaiting a hate speech trial. But the Left (and now, especially Blacks) get a free pass on hate speech.

Anonymous said...

These are the cretins YOU voted into power. Now bend over and learn to enjoy it, because it's far from over!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Hannity volunteer to be waterboarded? Only he hasn't had it done yet.

Anonymous said...

"Didn't Hannity volunteer to be waterboarded? Only he hasn't had it done yet."

Yes he has volunteered, but apparently he is too much of a coward to carry through on his promise. He can talk the talk, but not walk the walk.

Anonymous said...

LEFT - RIGHT what a joke!!!

It always amazes me as I read these blogs and look at both ends from the center how any of you think you are different. The left and right are the same just the stripes are different colors

Anonymous said...

Yep - tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee! I agree (a different anon).