Obama hushing up 9/11 events

We read:
"A children's colouring book depicting the burning towers of the September 11 terror attacks has caused controversy in the U.S. The book, called A Scary Thing Happened, was prepared by a crisis response team to help youngsters ‘cope with disasters’.
Its cover shows a childlike drawing of one of the Twin Towers in flames, with a hijacked plane on collision course for the second. The cover of the colouring book, posted on The Smoking Gun, depicts the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre
The 25-page booklet was approved by the Bush administration. But it has been removed from the website of the Federal Emergency Management Agency after apparently being vetoed by Barack Obama’s administration.
Are you kidding? I think something like this is nice to help children deal with situations like a Sept. 11-style attack.
But I'm not too surprised. I knew since last August that President Obama would try to make it look as if he won the war in Iraq and will quiety stop mentioning our war with terrorists. Just to give the impression that we won without really mentioning it.
Just so he could go down in history as the president who got America back on track.
It's just my opinoin of course and I could be wrong, but that's what I feel.
-- The Times Observer
I'm not sure i see what the problem with this book is, other than it doesn't fit in with Obombers desire to replace reality with all things nice. What happened on 9/11 is a fact and must never be forgotten by the American people, even though our new leftist rulers are doing everything they can to change that reality.
As T.O. alluded to above, one of the main goals of the Obummer administration is to make sure he's seen by history as the president who not only ended two wars, but ended terrorism! That he ended terrorism by simply changing the wording, will matter not to this nation of fools.
The present administration is going to find out the hard way that reality cannot be rewritten.
How many innocent people are going to die as a result?
"The present administration is going to find out the hard way that reality cannot be rewritten.
How many innocent people are going to die as a result?"Come on Leslie,
Ger real.
We all know there are no such things as terrorists.
Terrorism was invented by the Bush administration as a method to "control" the American people and fill the coffers of his buddies at Halburton! ;]
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