Sunday, May 10, 2009

Must not make judgments of female attractiveness

This is pure reality-denying feminism
"A New Jersey high school student has been suspended for organizing a contest in which boys voted on the school's best-looking girls in a bracket modeled on the NCAA basketball tournament. Mike Butrym, of Towaco, says he was continuing a Montville High School tradition and believes his five-day suspension is too harsh.

The contest was called "May Madness." Teenage boys chose 16 female students from each grade. Each day, they paired off the girls and judged them on their appearance. Winners advanced to the next round. The 18-year-old says many girls in the school think of the contest as a joke. He says they even started their own version judging boys.

He was suspended for "intimidation, harassment and insubordination."


I wonder why women spend so much on "beauty" treatments, cosmetics, boob jobs etc. if it is so unimportant?


Anonymous said...

In "very" liberal NJ, being un-PC is worse than commiting murder.

Anonymous said...

Have you figured out what's really behind this nonsense? It's one fat ugly chic who wasn't picked by anyone, having the ability to disrupt the entire school. I hope this young man's family plans on suing. If they do, he may end up owning that indoctrination camp.

Anonymous said...

To 2:12 AM

I kind of agree with that. I think it could be more of the people in charge (who were fat and fugly in high school) crying all over again.

In high school I wasn't popular and I didn't want to be - I was seriously shy. When stuff like that went on in our school I was more intested in who would be the winner. More often than not, the winner was the girl who put out but wasn't all that great looking! LOL I don't remember anybody crying over it. It was kind of like the "other" King & Queen of Prom.

Anonymous said...

The National organization of women was a group of women that never got whistled at, therefore they had to stop anyone else from being whistled at!

And since there are comments on the Political Correctness Watch…

One thing was left out of your story! The test wasn’t one that the “good old boys” in the fire department created, nor was it created by the city, it was created by a company approved by the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Dept.


Bobby said...

I don't see what's the controversy here, people judge people based on physical appearance, this has been going on forever. Back in high school everyone had a top ten list of the most good looking boys and girls.

"I wonder why women spend so much on "beauty" treatments, cosmetics, boob jobs etc. if it is so unimportant?"

---The irony is that they don't have to. An ugly woman has more chance of being hit on than an ugly man.

Dean said...

What happened to the girls that started their contest judging boys? Anything said about that? Or isn't it PC of me to ask about that?

Anonymous said...

Beauty is only skin deep.......

UGLY is to the bone!

Anonymous said...

Women want to be attractive. What are they trying to attract? Pastrami sandwiches?

Anonymous said...

Heney Youngman, 1965.

Robert said...

I once heard an apropos joke about ugliness. Some famous man (W.C. Fields, maybe?) was at a party, walked up to the hostess and commented how ugly she was. The hostess added, "And you're drunk, mister!" The man replied, "Yeah, but in the morning I'll be sober, while you'll still be ugly."