Sunday, May 24, 2009

Must not speak ill of prostitutes??

From Australia:
"The Salvation Army has apologised over an advertisement published in newspapers on Friday which has outraged sex workers.

The Australian sex workers association, the Scarlet Alliance, was protesting over the Salvos' ad in newspapers that drew attention to its rehabilitation efforts. The ad told the story of 'Rick', saying, "To get Rick out of prostitution, we had to resort to smuggling.''

Scarlet Alliance president Elena Jeffreys said the Salvation Army had exploited the sex worker involved and was encouraging community discrimination against legal prostitution. "The Salvation Army has shamefully chosen to capitalise on stigma against sex workers in its advertising for their Shield doorknock,'' Ms Jeffreys, who was allowed to speak at the event, said before the apology was announced.


It seems that nothing is wrong any more. Will discrimination against pedophiles be outlawed next? I think I might live to see it. I can hear it now: The pedophile was born that way. He can't help it. It's a medical problem, not a criminal one. And then after a while it won't even be a medical problem and we might even see "Pedophile Pride" marches in our streets.


Bobby said...

The Australian Sex Workers have a point, not all prostitution has to do with pimps and coercion. There are many people working as prostitutes, strippers and porn stars by choice.

Why? Because you can make $100,000 in a year, sometimes more. Sure, some say it's an indecent profession, but what about all those college graduates making $45,000 a year?

Frankly, society should celebrate free enterprise and stop persecuting prostitutes. If a woman or a man needs to make $500 quick to pay the rent, or if someone wants to get rid of credit card debt, I would rather have them do what they need to do than seeing the big welfare state rescue them, and raise my taxes in the process.

Anonymous said...

There are many jobs which could be described as "prostitution" - selling your time and talents to an employer. Ingratiating oneself to another person in the hope of advancement, etc.
At least freelance prostitutes can work for themselves, and choose their own hours.

Anonymous said...

Comparing sex for cash between consenting adults and exploiting children as a reason to stop the former or disapprove of it, is called the "slippery-slope" fallacy. You could go on to claim it might lead to even more outrageous things till it gets silly!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above points, so long as we're talking about places where it's legal. In places where it's not, it's a crime, one that leads to other crimes. (ie: drugs, robbery, assault, murder, etc.) In fact, i think prostitution should be legalized here in the US, (not just in Navada) along with marijuana. Who knows. Maybe we'll grow-up some day. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

"It seems that nothing is wrong any more. Will discrimination against pedophiles be outlawed next?"

Jon, with the way the US is going, that wouldn't surprise me a bit. We may live to see the day when the only true crime here is if you choose to smoke or eat red meat! Jerry Sienfeld warned us about the bizarro world. Now it's a reality.

Anonymous said...

"It seems that nothing is wrong any more."

How about conservatives and their ilk?

Bobby said...

"It seems that nothing is wrong any more. Will discrimination against pedophiles be outlawed next?"

---Gun grabbers use the same logic every time we fight for the right to carry a gun concealed, or to own fully automatic weapons.

Freedom for one group doesn't necessarily mean freedom for another group.

There are plenty of things that are wrong, the difference is that modern society respects the rights of consenting adults more than ever before.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if it is "Legal". The selling of a human body for someone elses gratification is immoral. Period. The "World's Oldest Profession" is looked down on for a reason.

Anonymous said...

These pro-prostitution arguments all have one thing in common: Begging the question.

The question is, SHOULD prostitution be legal.

Anonymous said...

STILL begging the question.

Try it this way: What is the effect of prostitution on a society? Is that a price all of us should be forced to pay?

Anonymous said...

Well the answer to that is actually in two questions.

What is the effect of LEGAL prostitution on society?

and What is the effect of ILLEGAL prostitution on society?

So for the difference, just look to the netherlands.

Bobby said...

"The selling of a human body for someone elses gratification is immoral."

---It's funny how society celebrates sex when its deceptive yet condemns it when it's obvious.

For example, if I read a magazine like MAXIM full of semi-naked bimbos, nobody complains. If a travel to Colombia and Russia to find me a beautiful bride that needs a greencard, that's fine. If I become a sugar daddy to some woman and she rewards me with sex, that's ok. But if I go to a brothel, suddenly I'm immoral and should go to jail for it? At least prostitution is honest, it lacks all the lies and deception the other examples demand.

It doesn't destroy marriages like affairs do, it doesn't create bastard children, there is no rape, no coercion, no use of illegal narcotics, no broken hearts.

The real immorality is human hypocrisy when it comes to sex.

Anonymous said...

Well said Bobby.

Anon 8:36 pay attention;
How many of you know a man who's had to buy his wife/girlfriend a gift in order to "get her in the mood"? Is that not prostitution? Does not every women "respond" to a gift? Professional prostitutes are different only in that they're honest about it.

If you are looking to stamp out something that is truly dangerous and disgusting, stamp out liberals!

JR said...

In my view the job of the Salvation Army officer was to quote the Bible.

If he won't stand up for Christian principles, who will?

Prostitution does not bother me but I am not a Christian

But I think that Christian ideas are often right and should be heard

Anonymous said...

"But I think that Christian ideas are often right and should be heard"

Of course you mean right wing.

Anonymous said...

That's probably what he means, since the overwhelming majority of jews are leftists.

Anonymous said...

"So for the difference, just look to the netherlands."

I'm glad you said that. Take a good look at the Netherlands and tell me if that's price you really want to pay. I sure don't, and I resent that you're happy for this country to pay the same price.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you.
Too many forget that the Salvation Army is not merely a charity - they are also a 'Christian' Church.
As such they should be free to proclaim what they believe in and do so without embarrassment and unreservedly!

Anonymous said...

"How many of you know a man who's had to buy his wife/girlfriend a gift in order to "get her in the mood"? Is that not prostitution? Does not every women "respond" to a gift? Professional prostitutes are different only in that they're honest about it."

If this is how you actually think about marriage, I feel well and truly sorry for you. I cannot imagine a more perfect example of how prostitution (and other abnormal sexuality) destroys the ability to understand real and lasting love and replaces it with a twisted mercenary facade which bears as much resemblance to real love as a drug induced hallucination bears to reality. I hope that someday you actually will get to know what true love is and get to experience it in your own marriage.

"For example, if I read a magazine like MAXIM full of semi-naked bimbos, nobody complains."

What cave have you been hiding in? "Nobody complains?" C'mon, that's not true and you know it.

Bobby said...

"If this is how you actually think about marriage, I feel well and truly sorry for you."

---I'm not saying all marriages are crooked, I'm saying that people marry for money, to make their parents happy, to stop all those gay rumors, for political advancement, and if you're Donald Trump, to sleep with really exotic women until you get tired of them.

Read your bible, do you think King Salomon loved each one of his 600 wives and 300 concubines?

"I cannot imagine a more perfect example of how prostitution (and other abnormal sexuality) destroys the ability to understand real and lasting love"

---You're wrong, unlike women, men can make a distinction between love and sex. A friend of mine is married, he loves his wife, I once asked him if he would ever cheat on her, and he said "only if there was no chance of her finding out." He's a nice guy, but like most guys, he wants variety. Good girls you marry, bad girls you have fun with, that's been the standard in society for ages.

"What cave have you been hiding in? "Nobody complains?" C'mon, that's not true and you know it."

---If I read a MAXIM at the airport, in front of families, who's gonna complain? Our culture is saturated with sex, we glorify the beautiful and make fun of the ugly. We declare war against obesity, not against promiscuity. In that environment, beauty becomes a precious commodity, and like all commodities, it acquieres value.

Even so-called "decent women" sell themselves but only to men with a college degree, a six figure salary, a luxury car, good conversation skills, etc, etc, etc. Let's just saying buying a house and getting a mortgage is easier than getting a woman to do what you want.

And that is why prostitution is so popular.

Anonymous said...

Bobby - well said - you argue very well and cogently.

Bobby said...

Thanks 4:05 AM, you're very kind.

Brian said...


So, you're saying it's OK to break your promise of faithfulness for your own pleasure?

That's not marriage.

You make a promise to your spouse to remain faithful at ALL times, not just when it's convenient.

Even if no-one else finds out about it, if your friend has an affair, it is still wrong. It is still breaking his promise to his wife.

Bobby said...

"So, you're saying it's OK to break your promise of faithfulness for your own pleasure?

That's not marriage."

---I didn't say that, I myself think adultery is a horrible thing. However, if the spouse agrees to the adultery, then I have no problem with it because it's no longer dishonest.

My point is that men have always been more sexual than women, I think it has to do with biology and sociology. Ever watch those nature documentaries where the bitchy female animals only sleep with strongest males? Imagine how frustrated the male animals must be?

Think about polygamy, why aren't more women demanding to have 2 or more husbands when the men are happy with 2 or more wives?

Polygamy is the perfect form of legitimized long-term prostitution, you get tired of your 2 wives, you get a new one, and if one gets too bitchy, you divorce her.

The point I'm trying to make is that as long as women don't take care of the sexual desires of men, they will continue to patronize prostitutes, watch porn, visit strip bars and do all kinds of things.

The same goes to the busy husband that forgets to take care of his wife, if she's not frigid, that's an affair waiting to happen.