Monday, May 04, 2009

Green/Left hate speech

A small excerpt from a post on a prominent Warmist blog. The author actually admits to his hate.
"Marc Morano is a douchebag and most people don’t even give enough of a crap about him to hate him. Once James Inhofe’s Senate butt boy, which gave him a modicum of relevance and credibility, Morano is now the proprietor of an obscure Drudge-wannabe climate denial site. He is useful to the 30% and their Congressional representatives; he supplies their climate-related talking points. But those talking points are crazy, and everyone hates the people repeating them.

But the public at large, outside the ideological tribe? They don’t know. They don’t care. And if they knew, they’d hate him too, like other mouth-breathers preaching conspiracy theories.

Some time in the next hour, somebody will say something stupid on cable TV. Somebody will write an idiot op-ed. Somebody will be wrong on the internet. Let. It. Go.

They are not Boogie men. They are douchebags, and everyone hates them.


Quite comical in its febrile and juvenile rage! I'd guess the author's age as being about 13. For a sustained burst of hate, read the whole post. Note the complete absence of any rational argument or any mention of climate facts. It's just pure hate.


Anonymous said...


What does that mean?

I guess it's not insulting if I don't understand the meaning. His rant, does seem like the posting of a 13 year old who just discovered profanity.

Anonymous said...

All those who are still capable of rational thought know that the global warming hysteria is motivated by political agenda, and certainly not by scientific facts. Actually, the most documented facts involved in this discusion are from real scientists who show global warming to be a natural and reoccurring event in nature. As for Gore's (and the rest of the far-left) fanciful version of these events, they're an outright scam.

What this is really about is not climate control at all, but people control. Those on the left are simply doing what they always do, and that is to dictate to everyone else how they "must" live, while the Gore's (et al) enjoy their 30K sq ft mansion, private jet and all. The huge amount of new laws, regulations, and tax increases being pushed by Gore and the left, are designed to control the behavior of people, not the weather, unless of course, you believe Gore and the left can change the weather. If you do, then run, don't walk, to the nearest psychiatrist, ASAP!

Anonymous said...

It seems that whenever a leftist gets an opportunity to show how they "truly" feel about tolerence, this type of rant is the result. The truth is, there's no tolerence on the left at all unless you are furthering their agenda.

Anonymous said...

This person appears to engage in spirited debate.

Anonymous said...


An essentially defunct human activity that was, in bygone days, taught in government schools, before they re-tooled to produce illiterate idiots with self esteem.

Anonymous said...

"Somebody will be wrong on the internet." He was right, as soon as he finished typing that silly tirade.

Anonymous said...

His gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Anonymous said...

To the left hatred *is* their argument. That is why leftist regimes are so very brutal to those who oppose them and why it's essential the left shouldn't be given power.

Anonymous said...

If I'm a 'mouth breather', I can only guess which orifice he uses to suck air.

...and are we really surprised he didn't bother to debate facts?


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"To the left hatred *is* their argument. That is why leftist regimes are so very brutal to those who oppose them and why it's essential the left shouldn't be given power."

Well said. But if you're in Amerika, you're too late.