Some predictable nonsense from Indymedia, San Francisco branch
We read:
"In America, people of color and Muslims are fair game. It's longstanding policy based on prejudicial attitudes, stereotypes, deep-seated racism, and notions of corrupted Western values, high-mindedness, and moral superiority.
Post-9/11, in fact, Muslims are perceived as barbaric, violent, uncivilized, gun-toting terrorists, easily targeted, accused, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned - not for wrongdoing, for their faith in American at the wrong time. As a result, it's no surprise that when suspects are named, media reports automatically convict them in the court of public opinion.
No matter that Islamic tenets teach love, not hate; peace, not violence; charity, not selfishness; tolerance, not terrorism; or that Islam, Christianity and Judaism have common roots. You'd never know it in today's climate of hate and fear at a time America wages global wars on Islam, including at home.
Apparently it was love, peace, charity and tolerance that knocked down the twin towers! They sure have trouble with reality down San Francisco way.
Sensible people know not to expect any rational, logical, or sane words, actions, or thoughts to come out of San Francisco, or any other part of Mexifornia. That they produced and support Botox Polisi should tell you all you need to know.
And, if you had any doubts, take note of the fact that a full-blown, tin-foil-hat wearing, former LSD-using lunatic is, once again, their governor. Nuff said.
Sorry to be off topic, but a local story. A man in Arlington, VA had liberals call the police on him for holding up an anti abortion sign.
There is and unfortunately will be intolerance toward all groups. As i look at the u.s. though i see a minimal amount of this compared to the Islamic counties. Just try taking a Bible into their county and see what happens. The owner of the company i work for is Islamic and i have yet to meet someone as caring.
would make a good reality show
Try taking a bible into an Islamic county and see what happens. Unfortunately hate and prejudices knows no bounds, but in the U.S.A. we have a African American president. We have a very diverse culture. Sure we have our problems but we also have opportunities for anyone. Just look around.
Yes, we are so diverse that it's destroying us. But we don't care as long as we're seen as being diverse and politically correct.
Islam is for the pursuit of Peace. Once all the infidels have been converted or killed, there will be peace.
even that isn't true as different islamic groups fight and kill each other
Why would any uber-intellient creator of the Universe (aka.God) want to send a version of him/it-self (or anyone else) to die horrifically as a blood-sacrifice in some primitive corner of the middle-east for the short-comings (aka. sins) of all human-kind, past or future. "Sins" or proclivities which this "god" instilled into his/its creations in the first place, and then "judges" his creations for having them or not over-coming them in the required way, on penalty of eternal torture (sounds like real divine "justice".)
Could just as well be that "god" is some inter-dimentional space-alien/s playing some game with 3D planets in a contrived "universe" for some sadistic amusement.
Religious apologists usually then trot out the Satan/Devil character to explain evil and suffering in the world. This is the good/evil or ying-yang eternal struggle. However, if God is omnipotent and omniscient, he/it would have fore knowledge of the "fallen angel" character (Lucifer) and how he would corrupt God's pure creation, so why did God let it happen and continue? What game was God playing?
However, it was Lucifer/Satan who apparently tempted the first humans to acquire enlightenment above the animal creation, while God presumably wanted to keep them in animal ignorance (unless he perversely wanted this to happen and blame Lucifer). But again if God was/is omniscient and outside time, this whole scenario is ridiculous.
In view of Lucifer's interest in enlightening humans and freeing them from God's dictatorship, perhaps Lucifer was the "good" liberator and "God" the evil dictator!
And 'Lucifer' actually means "bearer of light"!
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