Must not call a waiter a 'twerp'
We read:
"A diner was kicked out of a restaurant after tweeting that her waiter was a 'twerp'. Allison Matsu was having drinks at Down House, in Houston, Texas, on Sunday night when she posted the tweet, which finished with the hashtags #jackass and #jackoff.
The manager of the establishment was not working that night, but he read the online comment and called up to send her packing.
'Any business is allowed to set the tone of their establishment,' owner Chris Cusack told KPRC-TV. 'If you go to someone's house and start calling them names, I wouldn't really expect to stay too much longer after that.'
Matsu, who has nearly 2,000 followers and has won a Houston Press Web award for her late-night tweets, was annoyed after hearing the waiter bad-mouthing Bobby Heugel, another restaurant owner in the area. She decided to post her opinions while sitting at the bar.
Half an hour later Down House's general manager Forrest DeSpain called up and, she says, started shouting at her before telling her to leave.
"Twerp" is pretty mild. It just means an insignificant and contemptible person. The restaurant owner was within his rights to do what he did but a wiser man would have taken the comment as information about his staff that needed to be looked into. Instead he flew off the handle. Probably a restaurant to avoid.
Of course, this woman did nothing wrong. My wife and children have work retail at various times. Too often you see customers who make unrealistic demands on the staff at stores. The word is service not slave.
When you read the source article it is clear that she is full of herself because she write a small time blog. Notice she said she couldn't make out what the guy said but knew it was derogatory about "Bobby". Obviously, she has some kind of favoritism towards the other place that clouded her judgement. AS with most of these type articles, we have only HER word for what happened.
Think back. Does anyone remember a very old concept known as, privacy? Apparently, with the explosion in social media sites like facebook, utube, tweeting, twiting, and twating, people seem to be quite willing to sacrafice their privacy and freedom of speech, simply for attention.
The technology is getting much smarter, while the people are getting much dumber.
Privacy only exists where you actually keep what you are doing or saying private. Posting anything on any social media site removes all expectation of privacy.
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