Monday, August 22, 2011

"Illegal" is a slur?

I would have thought it was a description. But if it is a slur it is an earned one
"It is rare that a story involving illegal immigration goes by on Fox News or their blog, Fox Nation, without the use of the slur "illegals" to describe undocumented immigrants.

Fox News has chosen to ignore the specific instruction of the Associated Press Style Book, which urges journalists not to shorten the phrase to exclude the word "immigrant," and calls by several news associations to stop using the word because it "pollutes" and can "skew public debate" on immigration.



Dean said...

Good for Fox News for telling it like it is. Of course a person who entered illegally is a criminal. Just as a person who robs a bank is a criminal. Both have committed an illegal act, and that makes them a criminal. But heaven forbid we call a spade a spade.

But that's what PC is all about. It's an attempt to change perception of people and events to the advantage of those who would control society.

In the present administration's and their lap dog press' case, they would much rather we forget about the millions of undocumented Democrats who have jumped the border.

A. Levy said...

This is simply another attempt by the Left to intimidate it's foes and limit their argument and opinions. If you can greatly limit/control the actual words your opponents can use, you've controlled the debate. This is a main tactic used by the Leftist MSM. And yes, i include Fox. They are one of the main purveyors of "PC-speak" on TV.

Because the American people have become weak sheep, totally lacking any will or moral strength, they have allowed political correctness to actually change our language and how we speak.

People who are in this country illegally, are in fact, ILLEGALS! Therefor, everything they do while here is ILLEGAL. Of course, if you're a Demoncrat or other part of the Left, you want to change that because all those ILLEGALS are to you, potential votes!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be off topic again Mr. Snorphty, got another lead for you. This time, seattle is postponing a community center for minorities because there isn't enough "diversity" involved in constructing it. Gotta love liberal nutjobs, they never stop providing laughs.

Anonymous said...

Diversity. Does that mean trying to find minorities who are willing to work? Lots-a-luck!

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrant = Crimigrant!! It just bugs the heck out of me whenever I read a story about "undocumented workers". I married an immigrant and have no bias against them but illegals must be rooted out and sent home. If they wish to come to this country, they must do it legally.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else find it ironic (or moronic) that the Obama administration tells us they are only going to prosecute "undocumented immigrants" who have broken the law when their mere fact of their presence here means they have broken a law.

Anonymous said...

That's strange. I assumed that the Associated Press Style Book urged journalists to shorten the phrase to exclude the word "illegal"!

Actually, it probably does. But if you want to use the word "illegal" for some reason, then don't forget to tack on the word "immigrant", because it sounds more P.C.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:13 said...
"Does anyone else find it ironic (or moronic) that the Obama administration tells us they are only going to prosecute "undocumented immigrants"..

It's not ironic, it's verbal slight of hand. Once you understand that Obummer is a devious, pathological liar, everything becomes clear.

Jonathan Lewin said...

As an immigrant to the USA, I am deeply offended at the term "immigrant" to label people who have entered the USA illegally. That term could lead people to paint me with the same brush.

I had to demonstrate my professional skills, the need for my work in the sense that this would not displace a U.S. citizen, my lack of police records in any country in which I have lived, and my mental and physical health. I am an immigrant. Those other people are illegal invaders.