That evil watermelon and fried chicken again
I like both myself -- and my color is pink!

"A local Republican group has distributed a newsletter picturing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on a fake $10 bill adorned with a watermelon, ribs and a bucket of fried chicken.
The drawing harked back to racist images from decades ago in America that featured caricatures of blacks eating watermelon and other Southern foods, often suggesting they were lazy or unclean. Linking Obama, who is the first black presidential nominee of a major US political party, to such stereotypes drew denunciations from various Republican officials.
The illustration appeared in the October newsletter of the Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated, the Riverside Press-Enterprise newspaper reported today.
Are we not allowed to notice that the Obamamessiah is black? It's pretty obvious that he is. Does anybody think that seeing him associated with "black" food will cause someone to say: "Wow! He's black. I hadn't noticed that before".
Now why did they go and do something so obviously meant to raise the hue and cry?
I smell a rat.
Well, being a southerner, what I want to know is, what idiot said the aforementioned food is "black" food? And just exactly how does eating it make one lazy & unclean? I grew up eating such "black" food and I'm about as lily white as they come. I'm proud of my southern heritage and I love to eat watermelon, fried chicken, collard greens, turnip greens and ribs. Especially BBQ ribs. I do draw the lin line at chittlins and beef tripe though. That's some nasty stuff.
Anybody who doesn't know by now that Obama is "black" (bi-racial to be more accurate) hasn't been listening to Obama!
"I'm black, and the Republicans are going to make an issue of that" has been his mantra since he launched his campaign.
Diane Fedele, president of the group in San Bernardino County, near Los Angeles, said she had no racist intent.
"I never connected," she told the newspaper. "It was just food to me. It didn't mean anything else."
Such idiots should not be allowed to reproduce.
Annon-3, as a Republican, what should make you mad is the utter weakness and incompetence of your party and the fact that it doesn't seem capable of producing anyone who's not a total loser. And if your worried about Republicans looking bad, guess what? It's too late!
As for racism, why don't i hear you complaining about black racism, that is, racism committed by blacks, which is FAR more prevalent. And if you stop being so PC and look around, you'll notice Obama's campaign has been accusing (both directly and indirectly) John McLoser of racism since this campaign started, in spite of the fact that he hasn't said one racist thing!
One of the main reasons the Republicans will no longer have any say in govt. is because of their weakness and inability to deal with the notoriuosly devious Left-wing Demoncrats. Here's something to remember, when you're the only one in the game playing by the rules, (ie: McLoser) the outcome is pretty obvious. You lose!
An Independant Conservative...
McNasty, I'm with you. I make the best fried chicken ever, the ole man has made BBQ ribs a science. We like watermelon and corn bread, black eyed peas and greens. We even buy watermelon. We were both born in the north, with our parents from the south. And we are both white republicans.
Still, I believe the intent was to be mean.
Ummm,you didn't hear me commenting on black racism because that didn't happen to be the topic of this conversation. I agree that the Democrats have been far more racist in this campaign. They squelch anything they don't like to hear by crying racism. They are just better at being subtle about it than the bunch of idiots under discussion. I'm about as far from PC as they come. Maybe blacks do eat more watermelon and fried chicken, but what the heck does that have to do with a run for President? I'm not offended, I am amazed by their stupidity. I mean come on! Right or wrong, anyone with half a brain could tell you that the media would make a stink about this. When you are being fired upon, you don't hand the enemy more bullets.
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