Friday, October 17, 2008

Drinks firm must not tell its side of the story

"Coca-Cola has been forced to defend advertisements starring the actress Kerry Armstrong after a chorus of protest from pressure groups. The Australian Dental Association has called on the company to withdraw the full-page ad - which busts myths that fizzy drinks are unhealthy - saying the information was either ambiguous or wrong.

The association took exception to the claim that the ad busted the "myth" that Coke rots teeth. Its president, Dr John Matthews, said: "We shouldn't rely upon Coca-Cola for giving us dental health advice. They have underestimated the problem and put a spin on it. Most people know Coke is bad for them but they continue to do it so I don't know why Coca-Cola feels the need to do this."

The ad claims saliva quickly washes away the drink, minimising decay, but Mr Matthews said this would not be the case for many people who sip and "constantly bathe" their mouth in soft drinks throughout their day. "And to say tooth decay isn't a major problem is suggesting [the problem is receding]. It is in countries with access to fluoride but it's still a big health problem," he said. The association is weighing up whether to complain to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for false and misleading claims.....

A Coca-Cola spokeswoman said it stuck by its ads. "We wanted to bust the myth that you can't consume Coca-Cola and have healthy teeth. This is simply not true."



Anonymous said...

The ad in question can be found here:

The ad claims saliva quickly washes away the drink, minimising decay, but Mr Matthews said this would not be the case for many people who sip and "constantly bathe" their mouth in soft drinks throughout their day.

Matthews never really addresses the claim that saliva washes Coke away only to say that some people constantly bathe their mouth with Coke. Does that negate Coke's point? Or does it negate Coke saying in the ad "dental hygiene is the key! Make sure you look after your teeth by brushing regularly and visiting your dentist?"

There is a group named "The Parent's Jury" named in the article who advocates such things as the government telling you what you can and cannot do because others are too cowardly or timid to make the choice for themselves.

Nothing like a group of parents saying that they cannot parent, but want the government to do it for them.

Anonymous said...

The only way for their complaint to have any kind of credibility is if they produce documented, scientific evidence proving their claim. If not, they should simply be dismissed as irrelevant "nanny state" liberals.