Even the foulest hate speech is just fine if it comes from the Left

And they shriek horror at any negativity coming from McCain supporters!
Background here. The people pictured are staff of "World of Wonder" TV.
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Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
If someone had said that about Hillary or if someone had a shirt saying Barack is a N word, there would be riots in the streets.
The Left has found new focus for the Bush Hating Wing. Betraying their mantra of "respect" for women, they attack Sarah Palin's gender for no other reason than they disagree with her politics.
There is a warning here for all Conservative Women who would aspire to higher offices - "Keep your place."
Hmmm.....that certainly sounds like a Utopian vision of unity and respect!
You can not even compare Obama to Curious George, but I can see how that comparison would offend Curious George, since he is smarter then Obama.
So much for the alleged purveyors of tolerance. These are the people who will be in charge after Nov. These are the people who will set America's agenda for at least the next 4 years! They are also the people who, without realizing it, are showing their deep-seated fear of Gov. Palin. For that reason alone, she'll get my vote!
What we see here is the "true" left-wing in this country, the people who are now in control of the democratic party. The weaker the people become, the stronger they get. Remember that when you vote!
She *is* hot, which is what C*NT means, it being the equivalent to noticing that a penis is erection ready if not already elected for it, in virile fashion. C*NT is a first wave feminism term for man-hating females, so these must be highly conservative kids if that's what they are protesting against. Pre-feminist was of course a farmer and his muscular wife, back when the USA was the land ownership test tube China of its day. A word taken from the porn industry? In the beginning was the word. We all came from a single sexual act. With Mr. Universe sitting on top of California, and before him Timothy (LSD) Leary having John Lennon write his "Come Together" campaign song, but Reagan won that one, another shirtless actor, a Pro wrestler (precursor to fake reality TV) controls my home state of Minnesota. McCain has gone Freudian on us, and is attracting a few flies like you see landing on people doing outdoor porn scenes, since he has gained popularity with (Leftist by nature) the female vibration, like Bush did, early on, his name not being enough, but his savior wife and party twin daughters gave the Right a new "gentleman's club" vibe we all bought into and are still paying for, only later than if Gore (notice what that word means) had won. Suspicion thy name is me? I don't think so, Joe. Obama vs. John? John is the words whores use for customers, as a noun. Flickering images are what is really filling your room, which is why your pet is so hyper. Persistence of vision knits it all up into a logical story, as we life in times of tottering empires of secret wealth, meaning secret energy, and I mean only that measurable by a calorimeter. The American Empire has just began. Too many monkeys on our back? Shake them off. Dress them down. RESTART button. Hot chicks in office? Condi Rice (rhymes almost with C*NT rice) never applied. China isn't called China in China, but something like ZhongGuo, which rhymes with "ah so!".
N2-0, it sounds like you're not taking in nearly enough oxygen above your shoulders.
Remembering all the vitriol the left has laden onto Condi Wright this should not come as a surprise.
The true offense to the left is simply to be a Republican. Remember that the left is ruled by emotion instead of rationality so they do not see their glaring hypocrisy at all.
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