Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Computer game censored for quoting Koran

Apparently what they quoted was OK but setting it to music was not!
"It sounds almost inconceivable: Sony's highly visible, broadly-appealing, and probably most important video game release of 2008 has been globally recalled with less than four days to retail. LittleBigPlanet, UK-based indie developer Media Molecule's surprise water-cooler wonder about a black-button-eyed knitted and zippered creature named Sackboy who bounds and jounces through physically realistic environments was recalled by Sony after the publisher discovered one of the game's background music tracks employs two Arabic-language expressions found in the Qu'ran....

While the Koran doesn't explicitly forbid the marriage of transliterated Koranic text and music, some interpreters of the text apparently find such mingling "deeply offensive." Why is a bit of a mystery that's beyond the scope of a games blog, but suffice to say there's considerable debate over what the Koran does and doesn't say about music..



Anonymous said...

My religion is against running over people with cars, shooting people and immorality in general. Can we get Grand Theft Auto banned on those grounds?

Probably not. There are no concerns about offending Christians.

Anonymous said...

Everytime we appease their 1st century mentality, we give them the power to enforce it on the rest of us.

Slowly but surely they're pushing their beliefs on the rest of the world and the PC police are the vehicle.

Anonymous said...

the mulsims are here & they have won

Anonymous said...

"There are no concerns about offending Christians."

When we start beheading them things will change, since that is the only behavior they truly understand and respect. It is our weakness that fuels them, and they hate us for it.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the above. It's "the only" type of response that will be effective. But i'm sure most Christians will simply say turn the other cheek, something that's not easy to do when you don't have a head!

Anonymous said...

Dean - does GTA quote scripture? No, I don't think so.

When I read about Sony taking the words out, I took it as more about respect than about fear.

With that said, I think 99% of Middle Easterners are murdering morons with no value for their lives or the lives of others.

Anonymous said...

Why on Earth can't these people get over themselves or at the very least develop a sense of humor or (God Forbid) tolerance?

Anonymous said...

How can they have a sense of humor when they're still living in the 12th century!

Anonymous said...

"Why on Earth can't these people get over themselves or at the very least develop a sense of humor or (God Forbid) tolerance?"

HEH, anon..

I was just thinking what would a Fundamental Islamic "Saturday night Live" be like?

Anonymous said...

Those fundies who whine about their Koranic scriptures being recited the way they don't want and see that why people do not complain at all when the Bible was being versed.

This means that they should just stick to their own people rather than blameshifting other religions.

Anonymous said...

Worse still, it's not because of complaints that they decided to remove the music, but because they feared there might be complaints from some radical Muslims (who of course are unlikely to ever own a game console, entertainment being offensive to them in and of itself).

Anonymous said...

Some of the finest music in history is based on the Scriptures (Handel's Messiah anyone?).

Anonymous said...

hmmmm ... I wonder how that would work ...

"who of course are unlikely to ever own a game console"

I agree, they probably wouldn't own a console themselves. But after being given the information from some person (muslim) who does have one, would they kill the messenger for owning the offending game/gaming console?

I'm guessing YES!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate Sony's Playstation platform. It is a "very" powerful tool with capabilities way beyond what any "kid" would need to play games! You can bet terrorists have more of them than you think.