Sunday, July 17, 2011

GOP wants to rein in spending because Obama is black!

We read:
"During the entire debt ceiling debate thus far, has the thought of “race” popped into your head at all? Could the two be related in some way, shape, or form? For Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who conservatives believe often plays the race-card to deflect attention from the issues at hand, of course they are!

On Friday The Hill reported that Jackson Lee thinks members of Congress are purposely making it difficult for President Obama to raise the debt ceiling because he is black. Jackson Lee, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, reportedly said she doesn’t understand the “maligning and maliciousness” she sees being directed toward Obama. She also believes the President is “disrespected” because “he is different.”

“Why is he different? And in my community, that is the question that we raise. In the minority community that is question that is being raised. Why is this president being treated so disrespectfully? Why has the debt limit been raised 60 times? Why did the leader of the Senate continually talk about his job is to bring the president down to make sure he is unelected?”

“I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one,” said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

Jackson Lee went on to say it is necessary to raise the debt ceiling in order to “pay our bills,“ inferring the GOP would disregard doing even what is ”necessary,” simply to disparage the President over his race.



President Not Sure said...

“I am particularly sensitive to the fact that only this president — only this one, only this one — has received the kind of attacks and disagreement and inability to work, only this one,” said Jackson Lee from the House floor.

Ms. Jackson Lee has obviously never heard of George W. Bush.. Or is she saying that for the entire 8 years he was on office the Democrats let him do everything he wanted with absolutely no dissent what so ever?

Anonymous said...

It isn't because he is black, it is because he make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan

A. Levy said...

It's a well-known fact that leftist Demoncrat Sheila Jackson Lee is perhaps THE most racist member of congress. I wonder if the voters will remember that it was a black who introduced racism into the 2012 elections. In fact, if you remember, it was the Marxist-in-Chief himself who was "the only" person to inject racism while running the first time. Obviously, that old saying is true, "beware of those who cry racism, for they are the true racists..."

I wonder what the "gorilla-faced" Lee would say if you were to ask her when the Congressional White Caucus meets. Of course, just asking that question would get you branded a racist, wouldn't it. Racial equality in America? Only a complete fool would believe that. And only a complete fool (or a bleeding-heart liberal) would think that White's have the advantage.

Spurwing Plover said...


Dean said...

Surely she isn't serious. But to give her the benefit of doubt, perhaps she was in a coma for eight years.

If not she needs a history lesson.

Jub jub Bird said...

Obamas a communists socialists scumball

stinky, poorly channeling Will Rogers said...

The opposition to Obanomics isn't cuz the black is in Obama; it's cuz his budget ain't in the black.

Anonymous said...

This is the same moron who raised a stink in Congress because Hurricanes are not named after 'black' people.

Never mind 'Katrina', I guess she wants a Sheniqua or a Lil' Wayne.